Waist-to-hip ratio in women is an indication of heart attack risks

Waist-to-hip ratio in women is an indication of heart attack risks / Health News

Effects of a so-called apple form in women

If women have a large waist in relation to their hips, this indicates a significantly increased risk of heart attack. In men, however, these effects of the waist-to-hip ratio are not as strong.

Researchers at the internationally recognized University of Oxford found in their study that a relatively large waist-to-hip waistline in women leads to an increased risk of heart attack. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Journal of the American Heart Association" (JAHA).

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Waist-to-hip ratio is a good predictor of heart attack

In their study, the experts analyzed the data of just under 500,000 people from the so-called UK Biobank. They found that the waist-to-hip ratio in both sexes is a better predictor of heart attack than general obesity measured by BMI. However, the study suggests that women with a so-called apple shape are particularly at risk.

How does the distribution of adipose tissue in the body affect you??

"Our results show that a look at the distribution of adipose tissue in the body - especially in women - can give us more insight into the risk of heart attack than general obesity," says study author Dr. Sanne Peters from the University of Oxford's George Institute for Global Health posted a press release on the study's findings.

Gender differences detected in body fat distribution

"Our findings also suggest that differences in the way women and men store fat can affect the risk of heart disease. Understanding the role of gender differences in body fat distribution in future health issues could lead to gender-specific public health measures that could more effectively combat the global obesity epidemic, "adds the physician.

Obesity and obesity lead to illnesses

Obesity or obesity is an important and increasingly common risk factor for chronic diseases such as heart attack, diabetes and stroke, which are among the leading causes of death worldwide. World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines suggest that men with a waist larger than 102 cm and women with a waist taller than 88 cm have a high risk of metabolic disease (including diabetes).

Women are more affected

The results of the current study show that a high BMI in both genders is associated with the increased risk of heart disease. However, the waist-to-hip ratio seemed to be stronger in women. It was associated with a 10 to 20 percent greater risk of heart attack in women than a high BMI. The waist to hip ratio was an 18 percent stronger predictor of a heart attack than BMI in women and a 6 percent stronger predictor of heart attack in men. This suggests that more fat around the belly in particular has a greater effect on women, possibly for genetic or biological reasons, the experts explain.

Further research is needed

However, further research is needed to find out more about how women and men store body fat and how and why this is related to different health risks. Peters added. (As)