Takotsubo syndrome A broken heart can also be fatal

Takotsubo syndrome A broken heart can also be fatal / Health News

Life-threatening risk factors in the case of a broken heart

That someone is "broken heart" is not just a saying, but also a medical reality. Takotsubo syndrome, also known as "broken heart syndrome," can even become life-threatening. Researchers have now identified which patients in the short or long term carry an increased risk.

Most sufferers recover without consequences

In the early 1990s, the disease Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) was first described by the Japanese doctors Keigo Dote and Hikaru Sato. This disease occurs after a strong mental stress, such as sadness or heartache. Most women are affected after the menopause. The majority of sufferers recover without consequences from the disease. But ten percent develop a dangerous complication. A study has now determined which patients in the short or long term carry an increased risk.

Most patients with Takotsubo syndrome ("Broken Heart Syndrome") recover without consequences from the disease. But some develop a dangerous complication. A study has now determined which patients in the short or long term carry an increased risk. (Image: Di Studio / fotolia.com)

Causes still not clarified clearly

The namesake of the Takotsubo syndrome was a traditional, Japanese octopus trap in the form of a dented clay jug with a constricted neck.

The peculiar form of the left ventricle at the end of systole, which was reminiscent of it, was regarded by the medical profession as the result of a circulatory disturbance of the heart muscle.

The causes of the disease are still not clear and the treatment must therefore be based on the symptoms.

Loss of a loved one makes you ill

Since the disease often occurs as a result of severe mental stress, such as the loss of a loved one, emotional stress or grief, colloquially referred to by the "broken heart syndrome" ("broken heart syndrome").

Also workplace bullying or extreme physical stress situations such as surgery, fall or stroke can trigger Broken Heart Syndrome.

In addition, it could be shown that extremely positive events such as a wedding or winning a lottery win the Takotsubo syndrome.

Long-term risks

In the meantime, it has become known in medicine that the disease can lead, inter alia, to long-term heart damage and an increased risk of stroke.

Disease can be fatal
Since the disease is a sudden onset, often serious disturbance of the pumping function of the heart, it is often first suspected a heart attack.

After the acute phase, most patients recover within weeks or months.

However, about ten percent of patients experience cardiogenic shock in the acute phase, a life-threatening complication in which the heart suddenly pumps far too little blood through the body.

Up to five percent of patients with cardiogenic shock die of it, reports the University Hospital Zurich (USZ) in a statement.

Researchers at the USZ have now discovered which Takotsubo patients are at an increased risk of experiencing cardiogenic shock and long-term consequences for those affected.

Which patients develop cardiogenic shock

For their study, the scientists were able to fall back on the data collected in the InterTAK Register.

This first global Takotsubo registry was established in 2011 at the USZ's University Heart Center to drive research on Takotsubo syndrome.

More than 40 cardiovascular centers from 20 countries are now involved in the registry; it is headed by Prof. dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Templin, Interventional Cardiologist and Head of Acute Cardiology at the USZ.

"Thanks to the study, we now know which Takotsubo patients develop cardiogenic shock in the acute phase of the disease and should therefore be intensively monitored," says Templin.

"These patients also show a long-term increased risk and should therefore be permanently monitored," says the expert.

Little was known about these risk factors and patients without abnormalities were not observed after Takotsubo disease.

"The diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the patients has again taken a significant step forward with this study." (Ad)