Tai Chi to strengthen the knee joints

Tai Chi to strengthen the knee joints / Health News

Strengthen knee joints with jogging and tai chi


Millions of Germans have problems with the knee joints. In almost every movement of the body, the knee joints are stressed. Extensive are the impairments in complaints with the knee joints. According to the experts, jogging and tai chi can have quite a positive effect here.

Those who already suffer from a knee joint arthrodesis can strengthen their musculature with calm, controlled movements, such as tai chi, and thus possibly achieve alleviation of the symptoms, reports Siegbert Tempelhof, a specialist in orthopedics at the Center for Complementary Medicine (CfK) in Munich the news agency "dapd".

Holistic muscle building to strengthen the knee joint
"Up to ten million people in Germany suffer," according to Siegbert Tempelhof, "ailments of the knee joint." Approximately three million have a knee joint arthrosis and about 175,000 artificial knee joints are used each year, so the specialist in orthopedics on. According to the experts, it should be started early to preventively strengthen the knee joints in order to prevent such diseases. A good "musculature has a dampening effect on the knee joints and reduces the strain," explained Tempelhof. However, the build-up of muscle should always be holistic, because "we know today that not only the muscles around the knee", but the entire body must be included in the training, stressed the orthopedist. The knee is supported in the daily stresses such as walking, standing or turning not only by the local muscles around the knee, but also by other important muscle loops of the body. These should be "strengthened as equally as possible during training," said the expert.

Jogging does not cause any joint wear
A good training method for strengthening the knee joints in healthy people is, according to the specialist in orthopedics jogging. Contrary to the many claims, "Jogging does not lead to early joint wear", but could actually "lower the arthrosis rate," Tempelhof emphasized. However, this only applies as long as there are no previous knee joint injuries or leg axis misalignments. Even in overweight jogging may be too high a burden on the joints.

Gentle training method of Tai Chi in knee joint arthrosis
As a gentler training methods that contribute to the uniform strengthening of the muscles, called the expert Tai Chi and Ergometertraining. Regular training often achieves a significant improvement in pain even in patients who already have knee arthrosis. "The quiet, controlled movements obviously have a very healthy influence on previously damaged joints," says Tempelhof. Other joint-friendly training methods are sports such as cycling, hiking, water aerobics or aqua fitness, swimming and yoga, said the orthopedist from the Center for Complementary Medicine.

In general, calm, controlled movements are less stressful for the knee than abrupt, jerky movements. With rapid changes of direction and sudden stopping considerable forces act on the knee joint. Sports such as squash, basketball but also skiing, football and handball are therefore generally considered to be particularly critical for the knee joints.

To prevent knee problems, according to the expert's statement, vulnerable patients must start strengthening in good time. According to Tempelhof, already existing protective or maladjusted postures can be determined as part of a targeted examination of the knee joint and a movement analysis by the doctor. Only by such a determination of the current status can one train specifically, explained the orthopedist.

Knee joint training in the gym or at the physiotherapist
If weaknesses are detected in the examination of the knee joint, the patients will also receive addresses from physiotherapists and fitness studios who offer targeted training of the knee joint if necessary. The health insurance companies also provide their insured with corresponding contact information. According to the CfK orthopedist, proper training to strengthen the knee should include a combination of stretching, strengthening and loosening. It is important that the training takes place regularly and builds up or intensifies slowly.

The benefits of tai-chi training based on Tai Chi is that it benefits the mind as well as the muscles. Because Tai Chi is similar to yoga or Qigong for stress management. So body and mind benefit from the traditional Chinese martial arts. (Fp)

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