Tai Chi improves well-being in heart disease

Tai Chi improves well-being in heart disease / Health News

Tai Chi improves the emotional well-being of heart disease


According to a US study, regular tai chi exercises improve the overall well-being of cardiovascular patients. This resulted in a scientific study, the results of which have been published in the scientific journal "Archives of Internal Medicine".

Tai Chi improves quality of life
According to a study by Harvard University, cardiac patients, for example after a heart attack, can improve their quality of life with the help of the Asian martial art Tai-Chi (Tàijíquán). In order to achieve such an effect, it is enough to attend a one-hour group course twice a week. Through the continuous participation of the subjects a clear mood brightening as well as an increase of the general self-confidence could be determined, as it is called in the today published study report. A total of 100 people with systolic heart failure predominantly in functional NYHA stage II participated in the study.

Tai Chi with better results than conventional cardiovascular exercises
In the study, researchers compared data from 50 heart patients who regularly participated in Tai Chi classes with those undergoing conventional cardiovascular exercises. Although no difference was found in the transport of oxygen in the blood in both groups of participants, the participants of the tai-chi course showed a significantly increased emotional well-being compared to the cardiological seminar. The study leader Dr. Gloria Yeh of the Harvard School of Medicine summed up that Tai Chi was a „safe alternative“ offers to the conventional exercise offers for heart patients. Therefore, participation for patients with heart disease can be recommended.

Asian martial arts Taijiquan
In its origin, Taijiquan was a so-called inner martial art for armed or unarmed melee combat. More recently, tai chi is considered primarily as a meditation and movement theory that promotes good health on the one hand and positive personality development on the other hand. Several clinical studies in Western medicine have shown that the regular practice of Tai Chi has many positive effects on physical and mental health. Thus, regular exercise exercises can strengthen the cardiovascular system, make the immune system more resistant, strengthen overall body control, and promote the body's mobility. In Germany, there is a Tai Chi school in almost every major city. (Sb)

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Image: Michael Raab