Study homeopathy patients live longer

Homeopathy patients live longer and cost less to the health system
If patients are treated by doctors with a complementary additional training in homeopathy, they cost on average about 7 percent less to the health system. This represents a cost saving of 140 euros per patient per year compared to the treatment of conventionally trained physicians. In addition, the general life expectancy of patients was significantly higher. This is reported by the European Journal of Health Economics, referring to a Dutch study.
The study focuses on the annual expenditure of the Dutch health insurance companies. Researchers compared the costs of conventional patients and those of physicians with additional training in alternative care. Homeopathic patients cost the Dutch healthcare system an average of 15 percent less a year. The lower costs result for the authors from less hospital stays and less medication. The mortality rate also showed significant differences. It is statistically significantly lower in patients receiving complementary treatment. According to the study, the cost differences are particularly high in the over-75s age group who have undergone anthroposophic treatment. Here is a saving of just under 400 euros, which accounts for one third of the total annual costs. Although major demographic differences can be discerned, complementary medicine patients tend to be younger, more female, and better educated than conventional patients. However, these differences have been neatly adjusted statistically so that the differences in costs are not likely to be due to sociodemographic differences.
The results of the study are based on data from more than 150,000 insured persons from the Dutch health insurance company Azivo. Information on treatment costs, gender, place of residence and birth and death data from conventional and complementary patients from 2006 to 2009 was evaluated. For comparison, data from 1913 conventional physicians and 79 physicians with additional complementary training were consulted.
The authors of the study, Peter Kooreman and Erik W. Baars, also give possible explanations for the differences. For example, lower costs for patients with complementary treatment may also be due to the fact that privately paid benefits and medicines that are not covered by the health insurance funds are not available for the study. Only savings from the statutory health insurance were considered. The results of the Dutch study are not readily transferable to other countries but may be indicative. „The study shows that in Germany homeopathy research must be promoted more strongly - especially by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft“, says Cornelia Bajic, chairman of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ). (pm, sb)
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Image: - Manfred Gerber