Study homeopathy saves costs

Complementary medicine is cost-effective - homeopathy is significantly cheaper than conventional medicine
Research results from Switzerland once again confirm the cost-effectiveness of medical homeopathy. Aim of the study titled „Comparison of Swiss Basic Health Insurance Costs of Complementary and Conventional Medicine“ (Research Complementary Medicine 2011; 18: 315-320) was an analysis of the economics of complementary medicine based on data from Swiss primary insurers for the years 2002 and 2003. Cost data from 562 primary care providers with and without complementary medical expertise were analyzed and compared with treatment-related outcomes that had been recorded by the patients. By means of linear models, the costs of the practice of complementary medicine and conventional medicine were estimated considering different patient populations and structural characteristics of the medical practices.
The result: Complementary medicine costs a little less than conventional medicine. The cost of homeopathy is even 15.4 percent lower than that of conventional medicine. Patients from complementary physicians documented a better quality of the doctor-patient relationship and fewer adverse drug reactions. in the
As a result, complementary medicine is more economical than conventional medicine in the Swiss healthcare system. Private additional services, which are not settled by the health insurance companies, are not included in the study. Once again, it is shown that complementary medicine within the health insurance system is no more expensive than conventional medicine. Similar results are available for the Netherlands. The abstract of the study can be found here. (Pm)
Image: - Manfred Gerber