Homeopathy study is cost effective

Study confirms cost-effectiveness of homeopathy
Research results from Switzerland confirm the cost-effectiveness of homeopathy. Aim of the study titled „Comparison of Swiss Basic Health Insurance Costs of Complementary and Conventional Medicine“ was an analysis of the economics of complementary medicine based on data from Swiss primary insurers for the years 2002 and 2003. Cost data from 562 primary care providers with and without complementary medical expertise were analyzed and compared with treatment-related outcomes recorded by the patients. The result: Complementary medicine costs a little less than conventional medicine. The cost of homeopathy is even 15.4 percent lower than that of conventional medicine. As a result, complementary medicine is more economical than conventional medicine in the Swiss healthcare system. Similar results are available for the Netherlands.
Especially parents trust in homeopathy, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) stated. One third of their patients are under the age of 20 and no age group is treated as often homeopathic as children and adolescents. „Obviously, especially mothers and fathers trust in homeopathy and hope for a gentle therapy for their family“, so the conclusion of the TK.
Nearly every second German has experience with homeopathy or with the use of homeopathic medicines. 30 percent even resorted often or almost always to homeopathic remedies. 80 percent are satisfied or very satisfied with the efficacy and tolerability of homeopathic remedies „Frequently-user“ even 98 percent. Almost two-thirds of users usually buy these themselves in the pharmacy. This was the result of an opinion poll conducted in 2010 by the research institute forsa - Gesellschaft für Sozialforschung und statistische Analysen mbH on behalf of the Karlsruhe-based drug manufacturer DHU among 2,000 German citizens.
Under the topic „ADR / ADHD - Treatment options with the Classical Homeopathy Ralf Blume lectures on Ritalin, a remedy that is often frighteningly often prescribed at the request of the teacher. It belongs to the group of amphetamines and is therefore a highly addictive remedy, which is used to promote concentration. However, many parents are not aware of what they really give your child. Classic homeopathy offers a variety of good and proven alternatives.
„Homeopathic process consultation in children and adults“ is the theme of Arne Krüger. In homeopathy, sick patients are treated with homeopathic medicines based on the principle of similarity. In children, however, it often does not come at the cost of a first aid, but rather the understanding of the homeopathic process in which the child is currently. Often, no homeopathic remedy must be given because there is no real illness. Explaining this to parents and children is one of the tasks of the homoeopathic alternative practitioner.
„Naturopathy - more up-to-date than ever“ is the motto of this year's German Alternative Practitioners' Congress, which will take place on 16 and 17 June 2012 for the 22nd time in a row at the Karlsruhe Trade Fair and Congress Center (KMK). The Heilpraktikerkongress is a specialist event of the umbrella organization of German non-medical practitioner associations (DDH). More than 30 speakers from all over Germany present diagnostic and therapeutic methods during the two-day specialist event and provide competent and professional information about new or proven alternative medical healing methods or procedures. The topics range from pain therapy, male diseases to coping with stress and burnout. (Pm)
Image: Mike Frajese / Pixelio