Study homeopathy brings cost savings

Study: Homeopathy can save healthcare costs
A double-blind study on sepsis patients in the intensive care unit at the General Hospital AKH in Vienna - Medical University Campus, proved it: The survival rate of patients treated with homeopathy was much higher than that of the placebo group.
Homeopathy is also effective in traumatic brain tumors or tuber-toed mushroom poisoning, said the doctor and chemist Fritz Dellmour at a meeting of the Austrian Society for Homeopathic Medicine (ÖGHM) at the end of September. According to a Swiss study, homeopathy is 15 percent cheaper than traditional medicine. In Holland, a study of 150,000 insured persons resulted in cost savings of up to 25 percent and a reduction in hospital stays by 38 percent, said the new ÖGHM President. Erfried Pichler.
The analysis showed that patients of GPs with additional complementary medical education in homeopathy, anthroposophy or acupuncture cost less and live longer. The study compared the total cost of patients to those of family physicians also complementary
treated with the costs of patients treated conventionally by general practitioners. For this, the doctor and hospital costs, medicines and rescue costs were raised. (Pm)
Image: - Manfred Gerber