Study researchers discover evidence of statin intolerance

Statins are drugs that are mainly used in anti-fatigue disorders as a cholesterol lowering agent. For example, Lipizot belongs to these so-called statins and has helped to lower LDL cholesterol in an effective and cost effective manner for almost two decades. But not everyone can take the drug, many people complain of side effects. Scientists confirm this in a recent study and proved that there is indeed an intolerance to statins in those affected.
For a long time, many people with fat loss disorders use statins to lower unhealthy LDL cholesterol. Many people complained of very strong muscle aches and cramps. For these reasons, such people often ended their therapy. However, as there were no biomarkers for muscle problems in most cases, long-term intolerance to statins was highly controversial. Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic have now discovered in an investigation that there is statin intolerance and sufferers need to be treated with alternative medicines. The physicians published their findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Almost 43 percent of all users of statins suffer from muscle pain
Statins have been used for over two decades to lower high cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, many people complained of severe muscle pain and cramps. Such patients have to discontinue their treatment and, if necessary, this increases their likelihood of a heart attack or stroke, explains the lead author. Steven Nissen. Since there was never any biomarker for such intolerance, this was controversial among medical professionals. Some researchers had speculated that the problem could have a psychological cause. The new study showed for the first time that there is indeed an intolerance to statin, say the experts. Those affected should, according to the researchers, take a different kind of medication to lower their cholesterol levels. About 42.6 percent of people noticed muscle pain when taking certain statins. If the same people were using a particular other statin or placebo, no negative effects were observed, explain the researchers. Patients reduced their LDL cholesterol levels by more than half when they used the PCSK9 inhibitor Evolocumab over a 24-week period. Those using the drug ezetimibe, the LDL cholesterol reduced only 16.7 percent, the researchers add.
73 million people in the US have high LDL cholesterol levels
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved PCSK9 inhibitors last year, but only for small groups of people, such as patients with hereditary disease, who dramatically increase their LDL cholesterol, the researchers say. The new study offers hope for all people who were previously unable to take statins, the doctors explain. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among Americans. About 73 million people in the United States also have high LDL cholesterol. This increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases considerably, the scientists warn. Millions of people take statins to reduce this risk. In 2013, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association published new treatment guidelines that further increased the number of statin users. The observed statin intolerance represents a major problem for cardiovascular medicine.
Unfortunately, alternative medicines are still very expensive
PCSK9 inhibitors may be an option for patients who are intolerant of statins. However, these medications are very expensive, say the doctors. And because the evidence of existing statin intolerance has been largely subjective, many health insurance companies are reluctant to support such expensive drugs if patients can not prove that they are unable to take cheaper drugs, the authors explain. The effects of these expensive drugs are relatively easy to describe. PCSK9 inhibitors block a substance that inhibits the ability of the liver to remove cholesterol from the blood. Ezetemibe, for example, act differently and take cholesterol absorption in the small intestine, explain the scientists. (As)