Study Women from financially disadvantaged regions are more likely to develop anxiety disorders

When people suffer from anxiety, it often leads to health problems. Researchers have now found that women from disadvantaged regions are much more affected by anxiety compared to wealthy women. In men, however, this effect can not be determined.
Researchers at the internationally recognized University of Cambridge found in their study that financially and socially disadvantaged women are 60 percent more likely to suffer from severe anxiety compared to women from affluent areas. Men are not affected by this effect, it does not seem to make much difference to them whether they come from disadvantaged areas or not. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "BMJ".

Researchers are studying more than 18,000 subjects
For their study, the experts examined more than 18,000 British participants. They looked for signs of a so-called anxiety disorder. This causes excessive uncontrollable worries and fears in a number of life circumstances. Such fears concern, for example, work, finances, relationships and health, explain the physicians. Those affected can control their fears extremely hard.
Effects of fears
People with anxiety disorders often think that something negative will happen in their future. Such ideas do not necessarily correspond to reality. Sufferers often suffer from symptoms such as restlessness, insomnia and irritability, the researchers add. As a result, these people often have problems concentrating at school or at work. In addition, the muscles of those affected are often tense. This leads to headaches, back pain and joint pain. Some people with anxiety disorders also have trouble falling asleep. As a result, sufferers are very tired the next day and the concentration is impaired, explain the authors.
Residential environment has a significant impact on human health
So far, some studies have looked at the personal factors that increase the risk of anxiety. However, there is a lack of studies looking at the impact of certain places or areas on mental health. However, the home environment has a significant impact on human health. Studies have already shown that living in areas characterized by high income inequality can increase the risk of serious medical events and even premature death, scientists say.
Why are women more affected by fears??
Our living environment can affect our fears. But why is women's mental health more affected than men's health? A number of reasons can contribute to this, according to the researchers. Women generally tend to spend more time in their living environment, scientists say. This would include, for example, part-time work, childcare and home-based work. When women spend more time at home and live in a poorer area, they are sometimes exposed to increased stress and strain. These influences can cause fears in affected women, the experts explain.
Effects of fear
Both sexes seem to be affected differently by different aspects of their environment. For example, the fear of attack and the general safety in the neighborhood are of particular concern to women, say the scientists. For example, if women find their neighborhood unsafe, they will take fewer walks and less engage in physical activity. Engaging in physical activities, however, leads to enormous benefits for mental health.
Women urgently need social contacts
Involvement in social networks is particularly important for the mental health of women. If women live in a deprived area and feel their community is insecure, they are less likely to have contact with their neighbors. Affected people therefore have difficulties to build relationships. This can have a negative impact on mental health, explain the authors of the study.
How do women and men deal with stress??
Women and men deal with the effects of stress. When women are exposed to stress, they are more likely to internalize the effects. As a result, they also tend to develop psychological problems - compared to men, the doctors say. Men, however, tend to express their displeasure when faced with stress and develop problems such as alcohol abuse.
Further research is required
Further research is needed, but the findings on the impact of certain residential areas are still extremely interesting, the researchers explain. No particular aspect of the so-called deprivation is harmful to the mental health of women, but it is the overall effect of life in deprivation, which increases the risk of anxiety in women, the doctors add.
Women are often exposed to increased stress
Women are increasingly taking on multiple roles in modern society. Many sufferers have full-time jobs and take care of children and older relatives. This leads to increased stress and increased stress, explain the authors. All these factors would be compounded when women live in deprivation.
Many women in the world live in deprived areas
Thus, it is not surprising that living in poor regions is associated with a generalized anxiety disorder in women. This finding should be taken into account by policy makers and planners. The number of women living in deprived areas is very high worldwide. And fears are one of the most common health problems these days, scientists say. (As)