Study loneliness increases risk of cardiovascular disease

Scientists have already identified various pathomechanisms that can cause mental stress and damage the heart and circulation. For one, unhappy or stressed people are often not motivated to exercise and eat well. In addition, an above-average number of people smoke with depression. The concomitant loss of self-confidence means that mentally challenged people in crisis situations often have no coping strategies. Finally, there are indications that mental stress weaken the immune system and increase blood pressure.
The study authors now evaluated 23 studies examining the impact of loneliness and social isolation on cardiovascular disease. In total, the data from 180,000 participants observed over 3 to 21 years were included in the meta-analysis.
It was found that in persons with missing social contacts heart attack or other coronary events occurred 29% more frequently than in people with social contacts. The number of strokes was increased by 32%. Both sexes were equally affected. The study can be found here. (Pm)