Study loneliness significantly increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease

How does loneliness affect our health??
Cardiovascular diseases are widespread and can have life-threatening consequences for those affected. Researchers have now found that loneliness can double the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
Scientists at the Copenhagen University Hospital found in their recent research that loneliness is a strong predictor of premature death from cardiovascular disease. The physicians published the results of their study at the conference of the European Society of Cardiology, EuroHeart 2018.

What effect loneliness and social isolation?
Loneliness is more common today than ever before and more and more people are living alone, says study author Anne Vinggaard Christensen from Copenhagen University Hospital. Previous research has already shown that loneliness and social isolation are associated with coronary heart disease and strokes. However, at that time, this was not studied more closely in patients with various types of cardiovascular disease. The study found that people who felt lonely were three times more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression, both for men and for women. These people also reported a much lower quality of life in general, the scientists explain.
Data from 13,463 subjects were analyzed
The current study included data from 13,463 patients who had either ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia (heart stumbling), heart failure or valvular heart disease. The quality of the social network of subjects was assessed by linking data from national registries with the results of the so-called DenHeart survey.
These questions had to be answered by the participants
The survey asked patients to answer questions about their physical and mental health and state their social support received, explain the researchers. Loneliness was explored through two questions: Do you have someone to talk to when you need it? The second question was: Do you sometimes feel alone, even though you want to be with someone??
Which persons can experience a social isolation?
It was important to collect data on patients who lived alone, the doctors say. But also people with a family or a relationship had to be considered, because they, too, can experience social isolation, emphasizes Vinggaard Christensen.
Loneliness is worse than living alone
Loneliness is a strong predictor of premature death, poorer mental health and poorer quality of life in patients with cardiovascular disease. In addition, the perceived loneliness is a much stronger factor than the fact whether someone lives alone or not, explains the study author.
Loneliness is widespread in society
We live in a time when loneliness is more present and healthcare providers should take this into account in the risk assessment. The study shows that just two simple questions about social support provide much information about the likelihood of poor health outcomes, the researchers add. (As)