Study loneliness harms the health

Lack of social contacts are harmful to health
Hundreds of thousands of people in Germany are lonely. Experts warn that the effects of loneliness on health are comparable to those of smoking, obesity and hypertension.
Do not play down loneliness
The consequences of loneliness of older people should not be downplayed, experts warn. As age researcher Oliver Huxhold from the German Center for Gerontology in Berlin said, the lack of social contacts has an impact on the health of those affected and could therefore lead to higher costs in the healthcare system: „The health effects are similar to smoking, obesity and hypertension.“ Loneliness is usually perceived as a loss of quality of life by those affected, said the researcher.
Many single people maintain contacts
According to surveys by the Berlin Institute, about 40 percent of the over-80s live alone nationwide. However, Huxhold stated that this did not mean that many of these seniors would no longer have any contacts with family, acquaintances or neighbors. However, 16 percent of over-80s are lonely. According to figures from the Federal Statistical Office of 2010, that would be just under 700,000 people. „So everyone knows someone who is lonely“ so Huxold. The proportion of living alone in this age group, however, has decreased in recent years. The better medical care, which also ensures a longer life for the partner, is a major reason for this.
No matter if city or country
According to the study conducted by the Center for Aging, it is irrelevant whether or not the elderly live in the countryside or in the city. „In rural areas, the family structures are often narrower, but in the city, the range of recreational opportunities greater, which in turn increases satisfaction“, so Huxhold. However, the risk increases for those who do not use these urban offers. Restricted mobility, for example due to illness, also caused people to feel alone faster.
No increase in lonely old people expected
The evaluated numbers of the German Aging Survey come from 2008. New data are expected in 2014. However, Huxhold does not expect an increasing number of lonely old people for the next few years: „If the financial supply does not deteriorate, the loneliness rate will continue to decline.“
Intact social contacts increase the likelihood of survival
Researchers in the United States came to similar drastic conclusions about the effects of loneliness on health a few years ago. For example, lonely people often suffer from depression and even the risk of dying is increased. Scientist of „Brigham Young University“ in Utah then referred to an evaluation of studies that were published on the subject. According to the researchers, permanent loneliness damages the human immune system and is considered as dangerous as smoking, unhealthy eating or lack of exercise. The researchers analyzed the data from 148 studies and evaluated the results of around 300,000 subjects from Western industrialized nations with an average age of 64 years. According to the results, people with extensive intact social contacts have a 50 percent chance of surviving against people who have a low social environment. (Ad)