Study These biomarkers can predict the course of therapy in breast cancer

Predicting the risk of relapse in breast cancer possible
Researchers have succeeded in identifying a biomarker that allows predictions of a future risk of relapse in hormone-dependent tumors. Thus, the risk of recurrence of breast cancer can be calculated in affected individuals.
The scientists of the MedUni Graz have found in their research a biomarker that allows for hormone-dependent tumors predictions about a possible risk of relapse. The experts published a press release on the results of their current study.

GIRK1 protein has implications for the mortality of women with special breast cancer
At the University of Graz, a biomarker was identified for the diagnosis of breast cancer with poor chances of recovery. A higher content of the so-called GIRK1 protein leads to a higher relapse frequency and mortality in women with a special tumor subtype, explain the researchers.
What are ion channels??
By examining tissue samples, the scientists were already able to develop two different detection methods. Ion channels consist of pore-forming proteins. These allow ions to pass through cell separation layers (biomembranes). Ion channels are an indispensable part of humans and allow the function of the heart, brain or the pancreas. At least two building blocks are needed to build potassium ion channels in the cell membrane. One building block is the protein GIRK1.
GIRK1 protein is a reliable biomarker?
After five years of research, researchers were able to demonstrate that a particular protein can act as a potential biomarker. The experts found that a higher content of the GIRK1 protein is associated with an increased relapse frequency and mortality of patients with the hormone-dependent tumor subtype (ER +) after breast cancer surgery, explains the physician Thomas farmer of the Med-University Graz.
GIRK1 can reduce the probability of survival
Normally, patients with a so-called estrogen receptor-positive (ER +) tumor respond well to hormone treatment. However, if the tumor produces a lot of GIRK1, it results in a lower probability of survival in the affected patients. Comparing samples of tissue with the genetic profiles of breast tumors with participants' survival data identified the women at particular risk, physicians explained. However, it is still too early to co-determine the special biomarker in each biopsy, the experts say. The results of the study have not yet led to any therapeutic consequences. However, the association of GIRK1 with a worse survival rate should be considered, the authors add.
Which two methods could the scientists develop??
The researchers from Graz have succeeded in developing two methods that can detect the excessive GIRK1 production in tissue sections. From the so-called staining method by means of so-called immunohistochemistry also benefit scientists who investigate other relationships with the GIRK ion channel. The second method is the so-called fluorescence in situ hybridization. It allows the expression of GIRK1 mRNA in tumor tissue with the help of an automatic image analysis.
Reasons for higher mortality of women with estrogen receptor-positive tumor and high GIRK1 expression
In addition to the gene for GIRK1, three additional genes become active in the tumor. This could be determined by a so-called gene cluster investigation. Two of these genes are associated with an estrogen receptor, one gene was associated with the so-called angiotensin II receptor, the scientists explain. The higher mortality of women with estrogen receptor-positive tumor and high GIRK1 expression seems to have to do with a worse effect of hormone therapy or a higher metastatic capacity, the authors speculate. (As)