Study The twelve most dangerous bacteria for human health

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a list of resistant bacterial pathogens that currently pose the greatest threat to human health. The fight against antibiotic resistance should be further strengthened.
Millions killed by multidrug-resistant germs
More and more people are dying because of germs that are resistant to antibiotics. When such drugs stop working, even small infections can become a major risk. The problem of increasing antibiotic resistance must be brought under control. Otherwise threatens according to scientists a horror scenario. According to one study, there could be around ten million deaths from multidrug-resistant bacteria by 2050. The World Health Organization (WHO) has now published a list of the currently most dangerous bacteria.

Research and development of new antibiotics should be promoted
The list of WHO lists the "12 bacterial families that pose the greatest threat to human health," states a statement.
According to the information, the catalog was created to promote the research and development of new antibiotics.
WHO called on governments to create incentives for researchers in universities and pharmaceutical companies to develop new antibiotics.
The Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) had also recently announced that it would resolutely fight antibiotic resistance. The report "Breaking through the Wall" commissioned by the BMG mentions measures to strengthen the research and development of new antibiotics.
Antibiotic resistance is increasing
"This list is a new tool to ensure that research and development respond to the urgent needs of public health," said Drs. Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO Director-General for Health Systems and Innovation.
"Antibiotic resistance is on the rise, and we soon have no treatment options. If left to market forces alone, the new antibiotics we urgently need will not be developed on time. "
According to WHO, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae belong to the genera of the most dangerous germs. Resistances to carbapenems had occurred in these bacteria. These are antibiotics, which are usually only used when other antibiotics do not work.
Listed are also Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Helicobacter pylori, Campylobacter, Salmonella and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which are also resistant to various antibiotics.
A third group lists bacteria that have resistance but can still be treated with certain antibiotics: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Shigella.
Pathogens know no limits
According to Prof. Evelina Tacconelli, member of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), millions of patients worldwide are affected. According to her, 60 percent of patients die from severe infections that can not be treated with antibiotics, the news agency dpa reports.
However, WHO does not want to participate in estimates of the worldwide number of fatal infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. One indication is the data from British researchers, who in 2014 called a figure of 700,000 worldwide a year. Particularly critical are multiresistant germs in which several antibiotics no longer work.
The new list was developed by the WHO together with researchers from the University of Tübingen. The topic will soon be discussed at the G20 meeting of health professionals.
"We need effective antibiotics today and in the future to be able to treat transmittable diseases well," said Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU).
"With the German antibiotic resistance strategy, we are moving forward in the fight against antibiotic resistance." However, diseases and resistant pathogens know no boundaries and would have to be combated globally. (Ad)