Study These sounds actually drive us crazy

Scientifically proven is that noise makes you sick. Above all, noise is annoying. A British researcher has been busy now, which is the nastiest noise for most people. He came to surprising results. On April 29, the International Day Against Noise will take place.
Crash harms the health
Noise is harmful to health. Noise causes, among other things, headaches, nervousness, inner restlessness and stress. Various studies have shown that strong sound increases the release of the stress hormone adrenaline. The result of this can be high blood pressure and heart attacks. In general, noise is rarely fun. As the news agency dpa reports, he presents "according to estimate of the German society for acoustics (DEGA)" "one of the most serious environmental problems of our time". On the occasion of the upcoming International Noise Day on April 29, DEGA announced that traffic noise, followed by aircraft noise, would be perceived as the most severe annoyance. But there are many more unbearable sounds:
Chalk on blackboard annoying
Generations of students had to endure the horror noise when squeaking chalk hits the school blackboard. If, in addition, the fingernails are accidentally - or even deliberately - used, it only helps to keep your ears closed. It is just as bad when a knife or fork scrapes on glass or ceramic. According to the dpa report, "high tones of up to 5,000 hertz are generated. The human brain thus connects an alarm signal, because even when shrieking in dangerous situations similar sounds are generated. "
If it beeps at the truck
Annoying is also the "beep, beep, beep" of big trucks and other vehicles in reverse. Actually, this beep signal when reversing accidents with pedestrians and cyclists prevent, but the benefits are controversial: So children and seniors often misinterpret the signal. Resting people really need to have nerves like wire ropes to avoid going up to the ceiling with these nasty noises. Even buzzing mosquitoes get on most people's nerves. When the pests in the nightly bedroom resort to attack, the uncomfortable buzzing occurs through a complex interplay of tiny muscles and fast flapping wings. Again, close your ears, because the search for the little beasts almost always remains fruitless anyway.
Feedback in the concert spoils the mood
A particularly annoying noise must often be enjoyed by music lovers. Test One Two Test One Two, quiiiiiiiietsch: The feedback of a microphone causes the guests in the room to close their ears and grimaces. The best concert mood can be destroyed in milliseconds. Blame for this nasty noise is an acoustic vicious circle: the sound from the speaker comes through the microphone back into the amplifier system and again from the speaker. So the signal keeps rocking up. A sickening whistling sound is the result.
The scientifically worst noise
Research has also dealt with unpleasant sounds. For example, acoustic professor Trevor Cox of the University of Salford (Manchester) asked Internet users about the worst sound for them. The scientist got back a million answers. In first place came the sound when people have to throw up. Anyone who wants can listen to the nasty sounds of the study on the net. For people who suffer from phonophobia (noise sensitivity), any noise can be a torment, even if it is not loud at all. Phonophobia usually arises when a sound is associated with an unpleasant experience. Stress can also lead to phonophobia. For example, scientists have found out from kindergarten teachers that after a long day's work in the evening, they may be anxious or stressed about children's voices. And in migraine in addition to the typical symptoms such as photosensitivity (photophobia) and nausea and vomiting often comes to a sensitivity to noise. (Ad)
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