Constant headache What really helps against headaches?

Constant headache What really helps against headaches? / Health News
Throbbing temples, buzzing head: What you should know about headaches
Around eight million Germans regularly suffer from headaches. Many then resort quickly to over the counter painkillers. In many cases, however, simple home remedies could help. Often you can also prevent, so that it does not even come to the unpleasant pain.

Around eight million Germans regularly have a headache
Pain on the temples and a buzzing skull: Headaches are now among the common diseases. In Germany alone, up to eight million suffer regularly from the unpleasant pain. Some sufferers then resort quickly to medication, but natural home remedies for headaches are often much more effective. In an announcement of the news agency dpa reports an expert on much worth knowing about.

Around ten percent of Germans regularly suffer from headaches. The complaints are often combated with medication. In many cases, however, simple home remedies are completely sufficient. (Image: Alliance /

Symptom of certain diseases
As explained by Charlie Gaul of the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG), the causes of headaches are often not clear, but there are triggers. These can be, for example, thirst, a change of weather, too much sun or a glass of alcohol. However, headaches can also be associated with certain illnesses, such as influenza or sinusitis. Experts also talk about so-called "secondary headaches".

Difference between normal headaches and migraines
Normal headaches, which are more like tension-type headaches, often cause pain on both sides of the head. "The head is buzzing, but usually not more," explains Gaul. "Some patients also feel the pain as strong."

In migraine attacks, however, the very severe pain is accompanied by nausea, intense photosensitivity, noise and often odors. In most cases it only hurts on one side of the head. According to Gaul, migraine attacks can last between four and 72 hours.

Combat headache effectively
Among other things, the therapy depends on whether it is a headache or a migraine headache. For example, while exercise often only makes a migraine attack worse, some tension-type headache activity can help.

In addition, you can treat the headache with peppermint oil course. Also, other home remedies, such as a few drops of balm on a piece of sugar applied and taken, can often help.

Although free available analgesics such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or combinations with acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol would be the next step, but with a rather slight headache could be dispensed with according to Gaul often.

Painkillers often do not help with migraines
"A migraine attack is a signal from the brain that it needs withdrawal and rest," explains Gaul. The first step was to retire to a darkened room. Although sufferers can take over-the-counter medications, sometimes they do not help with migraines.

Triptans, special analgesics, may then be the solution. They also counteract the side effects of the migraine attack. "Two triptans are freely available in Germany," says the expert. Nevertheless, consultation should be held with a doctor.

Combat migraines naturally
Furthermore, various home remedies for migraine are available. For example, ginger or a tea with white willow can help. For minor ailments, showers can be helpful.

And: "In addition to drug and interventional procedures for the treatment of migraine are not drug-related options, which are mainly derived from behavioral therapy," writes the DMKG in a current guideline.

Also, "relaxation techniques (especially Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation), endurance sports, and various types of biofeedback are effective in the treatment of migraine in addition to the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy," it continues.

Prevent headaches and migraines
The answer to the question as to how headaches and migraines can be prevented depends on the possible complaints. Some people are already in pain when they drink a glass of red wine. If such triggers are noticed, they should be better avoided and in this case rather abstain from alcohol.

Also, endurance sports as well as relaxation exercises can reduce stress. As Gaul concludes, physicians are trying to help severely affected patients with a preventive drug treatment. (Ad)