Constant light creates overweight

Constant light creates overweight / Health News

Darkness makes you slim? Constant light at night creates obesity.

Constant, weak but constant light at night, can favor the overweight of humans. Even if you pay attention to a healthy diet and adequate exercise, this effect occurs. The report scientists from the US University of Ohio.

50 percent more weight gain due to weak light
The researchers wanted to investigate how light sources can affect people at night. For this occasion, they undertook a test arrangement with mice. For this purpose, the scientists exposed young mice to a weak but constantly burning dimming light at night. The result: The animals gained about 50 percent more body weight in eight weeks than the mice who were normal „Cut-off scheme“ were exposed.

The reason given by the researchers was that the mice had taken their food at the wrong times. „Something about the light made the mice in our study eat at the wrong times when they would normally break down the food“, said study author Randy Nelson. Because they refused to feed the animals at these times, so they did not gain weight. All rodents got the same amount of food and had similar opportunities to move. „The mouse experiment shows how important the timing of eating is when it comes to weight gain“, summed up Study Director Laura Fonken.

Overweight a health problem of the western world
Overweight (obesity) has become a mass phenomenon in western industrialized countries. This results in numerous illnesses such as diabetes or heart attack. The researchers now wanted to investigate the question of what other factors - in addition to a lack of exercise and unhealthy diet - play a role. They assume that the widespread obesity in Western countries is also favored by constant light sources. Everywhere at night there are electric light sources. In the apartment it is the TV or computer, in the street the cars and street lamps.

Hormone production is disturbed
The experts suspect that the body's own melatonin production is disturbed by the constant light. Among other things, the hormone melatonin is responsible for controlling the day and night rhythm. This control is crucial for the metabolic process in the body. If the metabolism is disturbed, overweight could be the result. But at one point, the study could give no concrete answer. Unlike humans, mice have a different sleep and active rhythm. Mice are naturally more active at night and eat only 36 percent of the day.

Other studies also point to relationships
Other studies have repeatedly pointed to the connection between being overweight and spending hours sitting in front of the TV or computer. However, it has always been assumed that the affected overall invest too little time in sports and healthy eating, because they constantly sit in front of the television. But it could also be that humans „animated by light at completely wrong times“ eat, Randy Nelson believes.

Regardless of this study, researchers at Bristol University in the UK provided a report showing that children between the ages of ten and eleven who spend more than two hours in front of the TV or PC are at an increased risk for mental illness. The researchers also concluded that the risk is independent of physical activity and balancing time for the children. The study was published in the science magazine „ Pediatrics“ released. The light sources study D was in the science journal „Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS)“ released. (sb, 11.10.2010)

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Image: Manfred Czybik