Will the life expectancy of Germans soon increase to more than 90 years?

Will the life expectancy of Germans soon increase to more than 90 years? / Health News

Life expectancy in Germany has continued to increase

A few years ago it had been reported that the life expectancy of the Germans had reached a new record level. But the end of the flagpole is far from being reached. According to the Federal Statistical Office, life expectancy in this country has risen again slightly. In Baden-Württemberg, the chances for newborns to live a long life are best.

People are getting older all over the world

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported global rising life expectancy in the past. According to experts, it could soon exceed 90 years in Western industrialized countries. In Germany, average life expectancy had reached a new record level. But it is still rising, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office.

Life expectancy in Germany has again increased. For newborn boys it is 78 years and four months and for newborn girls 83 years and two months. (Photo: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Life expectancy in Germany has risen again

As the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) writes in a statement in Wiesbaden, life expectancy has risen again in Germany.

According to the experts, it is 78 years and four months for newborn boys and 83 years and two months for newborn girls.

According to the statisticians, the life expectancy for both genders increased by two months in the so-called "mortality table 2014/2016" compared to the previous survey from 2013/2015.

Life expectancy at birth indicates how long newborns would live on average according to current survival rates.

In Baden-Württemberg the chances are best

But where are the chances of a long life best?

At the level of the individual federal states, Baden-Württemberg has the highest life expectancy of newborns in both sexes.

For boys it is 79 years and six months, for girls 84 years.

The lowest scores are 76 years and four months for boys in Saxony-Anhalt and 82 years and three months for girls in Saarland.

More distant life expectancy among seniors has also increased

Life expectancy has also continued to increase for the elderly. According to the 2014/2016 mortality table, for example, the so-called further life expectancy of 65-year-old men now amounts to 17 years and ten months.

For 65-year-old women there are statistically 21 more years of life.

In comparison to the previous mortality table 2013/2015, the further life expectancy at this age increased by one month for men and two months for women. (Ad)