Do hypertensives increase the risk of cancer?

Do hypertensives increase the risk of cancer? / Health News

Increases the risk of cancer from high blood pressure medications?

(14/06/2010) According to a US study, antihypertensive drugs increase the risk of getting cancer. According to scientists at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, "Sartane" blast repellents could easily increase cancer risk. In the study, drug tests were statistically evaluated, which were published until November of last year (2009). According to study results, the evaluation revealed that the cancer risk rate of patients with such hypotension was 7.2 percent. On the other hand, people who did not use antihypertensive agents had a cancer risk of 6.0 percent. Researcher Ilke Sihapi from Case Western Reserve University said: "The higher risk of new cancer cases is manageable but significant".

The most used drug in this class is the Boehringer-Ingelheim drug "Micardis". This medicine alone brought the pharmaceutical company EUR 1.39 billion in sales last year. However, the company "Boehringer-Ingelheim GMBH" announced Monday that the drug was "safe". Reference is made to other studies and an analysis of the safety data on Micardis has been made. The analysis has shown that the blood pressure lowering agents do not increase the risk of developing cancer. It has resorted to studies and data from more than 50,000 patients, the pharmaceutical company said.

Hypertension is now a so-called widespread disease in the western industrialized nations. Men and women are equally affected. It is estimated that about 50 percent of men and about 40 percent of women are affected by high blood pressure. About half of the patients do not know about their condition, as high blood pressure often causes no symptoms for a long time. In high blood pressure, there is a high risk of so-called secondary diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases. In high blood pressure, many cardiologists prescribe blusher-lowering agents. (Sb)

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