Rising sick leave in the factories

Rising sick leave in the factories / Health News

Drastic increase in sick leave in German companies


In Germany, the average sickness rate has increased significantly in recent years. „In the course of just seven years, the sick leave due to sickness increased by about five sick days“, so the message of the umbrella organization of the company health insurance companies (BKK umbrella organization).

The average sickness rate among the persons insured with social security contributions increased from 12.4 days in 2006 to 17.6 days in 2013, according to the BKK umbrella organization. Last year, a sick leave of 4.8 percent was achieved.

According to the BKK umbrella association, the main reason for the increasing number of sick leave is the „Increase in long-term and chronic diseases.“ Among them, musculoskeletal disorders remain the most common type of disease, followed by respiratory and mental disorders. Furthermore, the BKK Health Report 2014 shows that there are considerable regional differences in the average sickness absence, which is mainly due to the different age structure of the employees. As part of the health report, the data were evaluated by 9.3 million BKK insured, which a representative analysis of the disease in German companies was possible. (Fp)

Image: I-vista