Stone massage for back pain

Stone massage for back pain / Health News

Cold stone massage helpful in back pain

(23.08.2010) With back pain, the "Cold Stone Massage" can relieve discomfort. Dr. reported. Linda Tan, Director of the Center for Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine in Mettmann.

In order to relieve back pain, there are many fields of application in natural medicine. One of them is the so-called "cold stone massage". This form of therapy has a relaxing and vitalizing effect. Dr. med. Linda Tan Specialist in General Medicine and Naturopathy: "This massage has a relaxing and revitalizing effect, it can be applied to the whole body." The treatment is primarily applied to swollen legs, low back pain and lymphatic congestion. By the form of the treatment, a relief of the symptoms is achieved. "Anyone can use the Cold Stone Massage - it does not need any specialists" Tan.

The Cold Stone Massage is often used as a supplement to the hot version of the "Hot Stone Massage". The stones are cooled down to minus 10 degrees before treatment in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. Marble stones are best because these stones are the best at storing the coolness. The stones should be up to 3 cm in diameter and lie flat on the skin. During the massage, the chilled stones are only briefly applied to the affected areas of the body or used directly during a massage. Heat-cold stimuli generate tensions which the body balances again. This will release tension. Another positive feature is that the metabolism is stimulated and the vessels are trained.

Anyone suffering from skin diseases such as psoriasis or open wounds, should first treat the diseases. Because with a "cold stone massage" infections can develop in such cases. People who suffer from cardiovascular complaints should first test if they get the treatment. (Sb)

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