Instead of gym workout on stairs

Alternative to the gym: Workout on stairs
It does not necessarily have to be an expensive gym: You can also keep yourself fit by letting the lift down more often and instead walking up and down the stairs step by step. This increases endurance and improves the function of the cardiovascular system.
By climbing the stairs, the heart is stimulated
It does not always have to be a visit to an expensive gym: If you often leave the lift on the left and instead walk up and down the stairs step by step, you also keep yourself fit. Professor Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne points out that six floors a day or 40 a week is enough to increase endurance and improve the function of the cardiovascular system. The physical activity stimulates the heart to work harder, and as a result, the heart rate drops.
For a change take two steps at a time
In addition, the workout on the stairs is also a good muscle training. As the sports scientist explained, the level training strengthens both the leg and the buttocks muscles. For more variety, Froböse recommends tackling the steps every now and then at a faster pace or taking two steps at a time. Another option is to manage the stairs one-legged. However, a lot of concentration is needed, so as not to fold over and hurt yourself.
Especially suitable for the elderly
Professor Froböse, who used to be a successful athlete, has been working for a number of institutions and associations, mainly in the field of prevention and rehabilitation, for a long time as an advisor or co-author of numerous books on health, nutrition and sport. Last year, he pointed out that the recommended 40 floors of stairs per week is a stint, „This is particularly suitable for older people, because it can be implemented well in everyday life.“ His tip also at that time: „Simply use staircases instead of elevators, then the 40 floors are reached quickly.“ (Sb)
Picture: Rike