Instead of adding more carbohydrates in the summer

Eat more carbohydrates instead of fat and protein in the summer
In summer, ice cream and other cool foods are popular with many people. But a supposedly light quark dessert or ice cream often have a high fat and protein content and are therefore harder to digest on hot days than carbohydrates, explains Michaela Bänsch from the German University for Prevention and Health Management / BSA Academy in Saarbrücken to the news agency „dpa“. Therefore, foods such as noodles and potatoes are more suitable.
Carbohydrates are more digestible in the summer than fat and protein-rich ice or quark food
Carbohydrate foods are more digestible at high temperatures than foods rich in fat and protein, such as ice cream and quark food. This is pointed out by the expert Michaela Bänsch from the German University for Prevention and Health Management / BSA Academy. Accordingly, dishes with noodles, potatoes or other carbohydrate-rich ingredients are easily digested in the summer.
Also with fruits and vegetables much should be considered. So it is advisable to consume cabbage only in steamed or blanched form, as it contains as raw food substances that stimulate digestive gas production in the intestine and can lead to bloating. The expert also explains that even carbonated drinks and raw peppers are not optimally suitable in summer. This also applies to certain strong fruit acid-containing fruits such as mirabelles, cherries, peaches and plums. These could cause stomach aches.
Fruit ice cream is usually lower in calories and better for digestion
If you do not want to go without ice, Bänsch should choose a fruit ice cream. This is better for the digestion and the figure, since it contains fewer calories than milk ice. Packaged ice cream with a chocolate glaze contains about 320 calories, while a water-based fruit ice cream only contains about 70 calories.
Also in the ice cream parlor it is advisable to abstain from cream, chocolate and nuts in the ice in favor of the slim line. Those who want to make sure that only healthy and natural ingredients are included in the ice can easily make water-based fruit ice cream themselves. For the production of cool enjoyment is often not even an ice cream maker necessary. Thus, high-quality fruit juice with no added sugar can serve as the basis for cool refreshment.
When eating milk ice in summer special care due to the Salmonella danger. Among other things, there is an increased risk for the exciters of soft ice cream from the machine on the street corner or on the hustle and bustle. Because salmonella are very resistant, they do not die in the freezer. (Ag)
Image: Thommy Weiss