Instead of blowing eggs rather easter eggs made of wood?

Federal Institute for Risk Assessment warns against the blowing out of Easter eggs. Critics consider the warning to be overkill
Today Easter has begun. In many gardens, colorful eggs hang from shrubs or plants in homes. According to ancient tradition, the eggs themselves are blown out and painted. And best with children in common. But the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has faced the health dangers of „Blowing out eggs“ warned. There is a threat of bacterial diseases and consequently diarrhea. The warning has caused a stir. The best thing is to hang only plastic eggs in the local gardens? Is joint cultivation with natural ingredients now a danger to health? Critics call the warning for amply exaggerated and even criticize missing protective measures that really make sense.
Just in time for Easter, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Berlin published a strange-looking press release. The experts pointed out that the artfully painted eggs in their own production could pose a significant threat to their health. The danger lurks not in the artificial colors, which are intended for decorating the Easter eggs. The egg shells are generally not considered a risk. Rather, the production, ie the blowing out of the egg liquid, could be dangerous to consumers. For all kinds of germs can accumulate in the egg yolk and protein, leading to gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhea.
Parents blow up the Easter eggs together with the children. But just those should, according to BfR keep a large distance. The message said: "Since children are particularly at risk, they should as far as possible not deal with raw eggs.". The authority called on the children „any contact“ to stop with the fresh eggs. Instead, should „wooden eggs“ come into use. Styrofoam is a good alternative, according to the risk experts?
"If you do not want to do without the blowing out of Easter eggs," the authorities seem to write to those „incorrigible parents“, at least they should not take the shell with them „Roulade needles“ peck. The Chief of the Risk Authority, Professor Dr. Hensel, gave the recommendation, for example, to blow out the eggs „Disposable syringes with as thick a cannula as possible "or to use straws.
Katrin Teichert, mother of four children from Hannover, asks not only for the deeper meaning in the face of this warning message. No, she does not understand either, „how to use thick straws or medical syringes to create a necessary pressure around the viscous fluid at the other end of the egg´s to blow out?“ She herself tried it and failed miserably.
The security warnings in Germany always seem to be taking on new flowers. Instead of blowing out the eggs, as it was the custom centuries ago, these are now with „needlestick“ and syringes are processed. And only if parents want to use real eggs instead of wooden toys. At some point vegetables will only be processed with medical tools, which of course has been clinically cleaned before. After all, this is a process in which tens of bacteria can easily jump over to the human body. And anyway, risk groups like children and the elderly should only wear surgical masks. Before, during and after the meal.
When the process of exhausting is finished, according to the risk department, all the remains of the raw egg´s with lukewarm water and detergent. "If egg yolks and egg whites are still to be used," warn the experts, "they should be kept in closed containers to prevent germ transmission".
In the opinion of food chemist Udo Pollmer compared to Deutschlandfunk, the danger of germ transmission is equally true for fresh fruit and vegetables. However, vegetable raw food and fruit should therefore be protected from the hands of children?
Instead of „official six-point plan“ It would also have been enough to wash the children's hands first before handling the food. However, this advice is missing from the Communication of the Risk Institute. „Before blowing out, you should wash the eggs, also with detergent. And if you want to play it safe, you can do without organic or free-range eggs, simply because they are naturally more susceptible to germs. Everything necessary would have been said and done.“ Pollmer explained. (Sb)
Also read:
Easter with dioxin eggs from the organic farm
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Picture: Uschi Dreiucker