Instead of Give AIDS no chance more fulfilling love life

Prevention campaign "love life" explains about sexually transmitted diseases
In a few days, the new information campaign "love life" starts to curb HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. It will replace the campaign "Give Aids No Chance", which has been going on for years. According to Federal Minister of Health Gröhe, "good progress has been made in the fight against HIV", but efforts should not be allowed to subside.
Increase in dangerous sexually transmitted diseases
Only a few months ago it was reported that more and more HIV infections are caused by reckless sex. And recently, a government report revealed that in Germany there is a significant increase in serious sexually transmitted diseases through dating portals. The new nationwide prevention campaign "love life" aims to help contain HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Germany's health authorities continue their campaign for the open handling of sexuality. But it is also about disabusing such diseases.The campaign "Give Aids No Chance", which has been running for decades, will be replaced by "Love Life". It aims to help contain HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. (Image: nito /
Efforts must not diminish
As the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) reported in a press release, "love life" will replace the prevention campaign "Give AIDS no chance" from mid-May. Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) explained: "'Give AIDS no chance' has created more awareness in dealing with HIV among many people. Thanks to our preventive work and quality treatment in our country, we have made good progress in the fight against HIV. However, the figures also show that these efforts must not diminish. "The former Federal Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. med. Rita Süssmuth, said: "I welcome the contemporary advancement of" Give AIDS no chance "to love life and I am convinced that the new campaign will reach people."
Keep in mind the risk of infection
As part of the new campaign, there will also be cartoons as poster motifs with slogans like "No matter what you are using condoms" or "your ex is still itching? Off to the doctor ". The messages are to be read on more than 65,000 billboards. According to the information, the campaign costs around four million euros. It is said that the comic motifs reflect the colorful diversity of sexuality. In addition, they should hold the danger of infection with HIV, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in the awareness - without raising a forefinger. And obviously this is also sorely needed. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported late last year that syphilis is spreading rapidly in Germany. According to surveys by the BZgA, only around half of the interviewees are aware of the risk of infection with syphilis and gonorrhea (gonorrhea), 13% in hepatitis and 10% in chlamydia.
Current strategy of the Federal Government
The information campaign "love life" is also present on Twitter and Facebook. In addition, a kind of reissue of the cinema and TV spot classic "Tina, wat cost the condoms?" From 1989 in the program. In the current clip, actor Ingolf Lück is shopping with his film son in the supermarket and is experiencing the condom purchase from a new perspective. According to the BZgA, the new campaign is part of the Federal Government's current strategy to contain HIV, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted infections, which was approved by the Federal Cabinet on 6 April 2016. (Ad)