Start of the largest German health study

Start of the largest German health study / Health News

Start of the largest nationwide health study


In the coming years, 200,000 women and men will be examined and questioned as part of a nationwide long-term study on chronic diseases. Today Federal Minister of Research Johanna Wanka gives the official starting signal for Germany's largest health study.

Germany's largest health study
200,000 men and women will be examined and questioned in the coming years for a nationwide long-term study on chronic diseases. Federal Foreign Minister Johanna Wanka (CDU) today officially launches the largest health study in Germany, according to ministry statements, as has been reported by the dpa news agency. The subjects are selected by random sampling.

New findings about common diseases
Already months ago was on the study, „National cohort“ mentioned. Participants' data will bring new insights into common diseases such as cancer, diabetes, dementia, depression, infectious diseases or cardiovascular diseases over the coming decades. For example, at the Berlin Charité, the test subjects used the study program to measure sugar levels, blood pressure and lung function and to determine various blood values. In addition, some participants additionally receive a 3D ultrasound examination of the heart and a whole-body magnetic resonance tomography.

Medical examination and survey on living conditions
A total of 18 research institutions and universities participate in the study. In addition to the medical examination, the subjects are interviewed there on their living conditions. The scientists want to find out which risks can favor diseases and how their origin and status affect their health. In September it had been communicated that the „National cohort“ not only Germany's largest health study, but probably the one with the highest costs. As Berlin Research Senator Cornelia Yzer announced at the time, the contributions were „well-founded tax money“. (Ad)

Picture: PhotoHiero