Starting signal for nationwide cancer registries

Starting signal for nationwide cancer registries / Health News

Implementation of nationwide clinical cancer registry starts


The introduction of nationwide clinical cancer registries throughout Germany should in future „The quality of cancer treatment can be specifically improved and quality comparisons between treatment providers made possible“, reported the Federal Ministry of Health in a recent press release on the occasion of the kick-off event on the implementation of the Cancer Awareness and Registering Act (KFRG) in Regensburg.

The Federal Minister of Health stated at the launch of the clinical cancer registry that the law cleared the way „for a better oncological care in Germany.“ However, it is now up to the countries and payers to accelerate implementation as soon as possible. Bahr is convinced, however, „that we will continue the good cooperation, which has so far supported the National Cancer Plan, in the implementation phase of the clinical cancer registries.“ The kick-off event for the KFRG was organized by the Federal Ministry of Health, the German Cancer Aid, the Association of German Tumor Centers and the German Cancer Society, in order to prepare for the implementation of the law, which came into force on 9 April.

Introduction of nationwide cancer registries long overdue
In the clinical cancer registries, the anonymous data on all forms of cancer should be recorded and stored according to a clearly defined standard. The Chief Executive of the German Cancer Aid emphasized: „It is with determination that we, together with all stakeholders, want to advance and support this opportunity to improve the quality and transparency of oncology treatment for patients.“ Here, the capture of nationwide clinical cancer registry data is a step that was actually long overdue. Thus, the founder of the German Cancer Aid, Dr. med. Mildred Scheel, as early as 1982 called for the development of nationwide clinical cancer registries. „Clinical cancer registration will be a great benefit for people with cancer. Now it's about implementing the law quickly“, explained Nettekoven.

Cancer registries are also used to improve treatment
Professor Wolff Schmiegel, President of the German Cancer Society, emphasized for his part the great importance „the introduction of the new law for the nationwide introduction of clinical cancer registries for established certified organ cancer centers and oncological centers of the German Cancer Society as well as for the centers sponsored by the German Cancer Aid“ Has. Here, the access to the clinical cancer registry and the data collected on current treatments would decisively relieve the attending physicians. It is also easier to check whether patients are being treated according to the current guidelines.

Establishment of a system of learning from each other
In the course of the implementation of the KFRG, the previous national patchwork patch of inconsistent cancer registries will be replaced by a standardized collection model, the goals of which will be the „Production of comprehensive transparency on the quality of oncological care“, the „Eliminate quality deficits through clinical cancer registry findings“ and the „immediate patient-related quality improvement“ are, reports the Federal Ministry of Health. Here should be one „System of learning from each other with the orientation to the best results“ be established and a merger of all relevant information for the treatment done. The cancer registries also provide a good basis for scientific research and the corresponding further development of oncological care, according to the ministry's announcement. (Fp)

Picture credits: Paulwip