Start of the flu season To reduce the risk of infection

Start of the flu season To reduce the risk of infection / Health News

Influenza: It is not too late for the flu vaccine

According to experts, the last flu season was particularly difficult and led to about nine million visits to the doctor. Almost 60,000 patients had to be hospitalized in hospitals. At the start of this year's influenza season, experts are particularly recommending risk groups to consider vaccination now.

Particularly difficult course

The flu season last winter was particularly difficult and led to about nine million visits to the doctor. More than 330,000 laboratory-confirmed flu cases with influenza viruses were reported at that time. Almost 60,000 people had to be hospitalized in hospitals. In 1,665 people, the infection ended fatally. Those who do not want to take unnecessary risks in the current season, should use protection options and get vaccinated, health experts advise. Statutory insured persons now have a binding claim to a quadruple vaccine against influenza.

Health experts point to the start of the influenza season that it is not too late for the flu vaccine. But there are even more measures to protect against infection. (Image: sharryfoto /

Risk groups should consider vaccination

At the start of the influenza season, the health insurance Barmer advises especially risk groups to consider now a vaccine.

"It's not too late for a flu shot," Dr. Ursula Marschall, senior physician at the Barmer in a statement.

"In particular with endangered persons like chronically ill with weak immune system, older humans or pregnant women the vaccination can be very meaningful. If you are unsure, you should quickly ask your doctor, "says the expert.

The cost of vaccination will be covered by the health insurance. According to the information, it takes about two weeks after the immunization until the vaccine protection is established.

Thereafter, the risk of influenza is significantly lower, although not completely excluded.

Keep away from sick people

In order to protect yourself from a flu infection, you should take some small tips in the coming weeks.

"Because the influenza virus spreads mainly by coughing and sneezing, it is advisable to keep by sick as possible one and a half to two meters away," said Marshal.

In order to avoid indirect transmission, one should wash one's hands regularly and keep as little as possible in the face.

Finally, one could come in contact with the viruses, in which one greet a sick person with a handshake or touch an object she had previously touched.

"Regular hand washing is so important to avoid influenza because a person can be contagious even if they do not show symptoms," says Marschall.

Sometimes symptoms hardly differ

Often, patients are not sure if they have a flu or cold.

As the health insurance company states, influenza starts very suddenly. Patients usually feel significantly sicker within a few hours than with a cold.

In addition, they often suffered from dry cough, severe head, limb and muscle pain and high fever.

"It depends on the immune system how strongly you react to influenza. Therefore, it can happen that the symptoms of a cold hardly differ. If in doubt, you should always go to the doctor, "said Marshal. (Ad)