Start of the flu season Health Minister calls for vaccination

Start of the flu season Health Minister calls for vaccination / Health News
Especially for the elderly and the chronically ill: Minister calls for the flu vaccine
Experts have set the start of the new flu season for early October. Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml has now called for vaccination against this virus disease in good time. Especially the chronically ill and the elderly should protect themselves.

Influenza season starts in early October
Professionals have set the start of the new flu season for early October. However, several influenza cases were reported in various regions of Germany in September. The number of diseases can vary greatly depending on the season. It is important to recognize the flu properly and treat it accordingly. Some groups of people are recommended to have a vaccine for prevention.

The flu season begins in early October. Some people are advised to get vaccinated against the virus disease. But you can also protect yourself in other ways. (Image: Richard Villalon /

Difference between the flu and cold
The course of a flu season can not be predicted. Although the season usually starts in January and lasts on average three to four months, but this time already in September first flu cases were reported in Bavaria.

Not every patient with such a disease goes to the doctor and also there is not always determined with the appropriate symptoms whether a flu or influenza infection is present.

Since the symptoms are somewhat similar, the difference between cold and flu is not immediately clear to all people.

One point that makes it very clear what it is about is the beginning: a flu occurs quite suddenly. Often one feels in the morning still healthy and in the evening one has suddenly 40 degrees Fieber.

As a rule, symptoms such as headache and body aches, chills, as well as cough and runny nose are added. The affected people usually feel very ill. The disease usually lasts five to seven days.

Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml warns in a recent communication: "A flu illness should not be underestimated. It is not a harmless cold, but a serious illness. In severe cases, the flu can also have consequences such as heart muscle inflammation or pneumonia. "

Minister of Health calls for vaccination
The politician, who is a licensed doctor, has called for the start of the new flu season to be vaccinated in time for this virus disease.

"In particular, chronically ill people and over-60s should protect themselves from the flu in the fall. This vaccine is also indispensable for the staff in hospitals and nursing homes, "said the minister.

She added: "Even pregnant women are recommended the flu vaccine. Contact persons for advice on vaccination are, for example, family doctors, women's and pediatricians and the health department. "

Huml went on to explain: "Those who are vaccinated not only protect themselves but also other people. That's why it's important that as many people as possible get the chance to get a flu vaccine. "

Protection needs to be refreshed every season
Whether a flu vaccine makes sense, but ultimately everyone must decide for themselves.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), it can also provide protection at the beginning and in the course of the flu epidemic.

The vaccine needs to be refreshed every year as the vaccine is reassembled for each season to counter the current flu virus.

According to the Bavarian Ministry of Health, the vaccine is usually well tolerated, the costs are covered by the statutory health insurance.

Protect against infection
In order to protect yourself from an infection, it is basically useful to strengthen the immune system and to keep away from patients.

According to scientific studies, flavonoids, which are contained in black tea, red wine and blueberries, among other things, can also protect against infection.

However, if one does get caught, one of the most important things to take care of with flu and colds is to drink a lot and keep bed rest for a few days.

Healthy onions have proven to be a home remedy for the flu. (Ad)