Start of the barbecue season Tips for the right barbecue

Start of the barbecue season Tips for the right barbecue / Health News

Barbecuing without health risk


Summer time is barbecue time. In order for the barbecue to become a pleasure in the taste and the health does not harm, some details are to be considered. For example, the coal should generally be thoroughly annealed and the distance between the embers and the grill should not be too low. Extra barbecue pans are also recommended to minimize the health risk.

The warm weather of the past days was the reason for many Germans to open the barbecue season. Grilling is increasingly popular with vegetarians. Instead of the meat come here simply tofu, cheese or vegetable burger on the grill. In principle, however, some advice from the Grillexperten should be considered, so that the barbecue to the desired pleasure we.

Make sure the grill is firmly in place
The basis is a neat construction of the grill. This needs a firm footing to avoid the risk of tipping over with subsequent burns. The charcoal has to be kindled some time before the actual start of the barbecue with extra Grillanzündern and needs then usually half an hour to hour to properly durchzuhle. Only when a white ash layer has formed on the coal, the meat or the fish or vegetables on the grill. Keep a sufficient distance between the grill and the embers, so that the food does not burn. Because the black charred barbecue is not only a flaw in terms of taste, but also a burden on the health. Therefore, the grilling is recommended at lower temperatures or at a greater distance between rust and embers.

Increased risk of burns for grill master
The grill master should make sure that it is not too flammable. Ideal are here special barbecue aprons, grill gloves and a neat barbecue cutlery. Why such a protective gear is recommended, is easy to guess with a look at the number of annual barbecue accidents. Around 4,000 barbecue accidents are reported by the „Free press“ every year, including 500 with serious injuries. Often sufferers suffer for a lifetime from the consequences of their burns. Therefore, especially for the grill master a clothing that does not rise on fire at the first spark

Barbecue bowls with positive effect for the health
Barbecues are not without enthusiasm for barbecue fans, but have a double benefit. On the one hand they catch the fat, which could otherwise drip and ignite, on the other hand they avoid the formation of carcinogenic substances, which can be caused by the burning of animal fat, marinades or frying liquid. So the use of the extra barbecue bowls is definitely recommended. Alternatively, the food can also be cooked in aluminum foil, to avoid unnecessary pollution.

Not every meat suitable for grilling
In addition to the classic sausages and steaks, fish and vegetables are becoming more and more common among the dishes that are put on the grill in this country. Even sweets and fruits prepare real barbecue lovers over the embers. In general, however, meat is still the most common food in its countless variations in this country. However, not every meat can be easily cooked on the grill. Pickled meat and sausage products are generally prohibited, since carcinogenic nitrosamines can form from the pickling salt during a high heat. Also, especially with poultry meat care should be taken that it is well-cooked to kill any germs that may be present. Thus, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) in a recent report with reference to the data of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) warned against possible Campylobacter infections caused by insufficiently heated poultry meat during grilling. (Fp)

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Image: Klaus Steves