Sport increases your chances of getting pregnant

With fat women, sport increases the chance of getting pregnant
Many couples who wish to have children but have difficulty in conception opt for artificial insemination in vitro fertilization (IVF). A new study now shows that overweight women can greatly increase their chances of getting pregnant with IVF if they exercise regularly.
Improved chances even with low weight loss
Couples whose desire to conceive is unfulfilled are often advised by experts to make their own lifestyle healthier. Above all, it is pointed out to refrain from unhealthy foods, give up smoking and reduce existing obesity or obesity as possible. This is true not only in conventional, but also in artificial insemination. So far, it has been scientifically recognized that even low weight loss obese women improved chances of a successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) provides.
Meaning of the lifestyle
According to a report by the APA news agency, a recent study by the University of Modena in Italy shows that regular sports already increase these chances in overweight women. The results of the investigation were in the journal „Reproductive BioMedicine“ released. According to Andreas Obruca, Head of the Fertility Center at the Goldenes Kreuz Hospital in Vienna, the effect also occurs when there is no significant weight reduction. As stated in a communication, the study reiterates the importance of lifestyle for the onset of pregnancy.
Pregnancy probability increases threefold
„This study shows once again the importance of the lifestyle for a successful fertility treatment“, so the doctor. „We know how difficult it is for some patients to lose weight before treatment. Now it turns out that the odds are already rising considerably if sport is practiced regularly, even without weight loss.“ Of the overweight study participants, the 41 who performed regular exercise had a significantly higher pregnancy rate after IVF treatment than those 175 women who did not do any sports before treatment. Concretely, the study would have shown that the likelihood of pregnancy for obese women increases by three times through regular exercise.
Sex every three days
Experts believe that those couples whose desire to conceive is unfulfilled, although there are no genetic reasons, may be able to help by following some simple rules. In addition to the healthy eating factors mentioned above, smoking cessation and obesity prevention, some experts point out that having fertile couples is best for having sex every three days to achieve natural fertilization. If this rule of thumb does not help, the timing of ovulation can also be determined to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. (Ad)