Sports sports addiction can sometimes be life-threatening

Sports addiction endangers body and psyche - How to recognize warning signs
Regular exercise is healthy. But too much sport can be a problem. People who train extremely and no longer pay attention to their health and their environment can quickly become addicted. If there are signs, it is important to respond.
Sport can be addictive
Most experts agree that sport is good for health. Among other things, regular exercise can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension or heart attack. In addition, athletes suffer less often from obesity or obesity. But as in many areas of life, the right level is important here as well. Too much sport can hurt your health. And in some cases, he can even be addictive.

Warning signs of sports addiction
Sport can also become a dangerous addiction. This can be a problem for body and soul. But it is not so easy to recognize such sports addiction. As the news agency dpa reports, the journal "Psychology Today" in the current issue (06/2016) called some warning signs. It is therefore possibly affected, if you do not count sports such as cycling as a sport, sign up in several gyms to train at any time or for sports neglected his social environment.
Affected persons have withdrawal symptoms
According to the experts, the same applies if you get withdrawal symptoms, if you can not train, or tell your environment that you do so much sport. Signs of addiction include ignoring body warning signs of pain, fatigue, fever, or stress fractures. Alarm signals should always be taken seriously. Those affected should seek support - in many cases, psychotherapy helps. Professor Jens Kleinert from the Psychological Institute of the German Sport University Cologne explained in an earlier dpa report: "It is a bad disease, even if it is very rare." (Ad)