Sports and long walks against spring tiredness

When the cold winter has come to an end, many people have a high need for sleep. In almost every second, the body reacts to the lengthening days with fatigue and power downs. But what can you do about spring tiredness? Some expert tips can help here.
Unpleasant side effect of spring
Since the changeover to summertime on the weekend, spring is becoming more and more in the spotlight. In March and April, the days are much longer and it can sometimes even summer temperatures set. Many people react to the change, however, with fatigue and performance low. Spring tiredness is one of the unpleasant side effects of spring. But what helps against spring fatigue? Some tips can help those affected.

Every second German suffers from spring fatigue
According to estimates, over half of Germans suffer from spring fatigue. In the morning, they hardly get out of bed and during the day they are plagued by chronic fatigue. In addition, most sufferers have a pronounced need for sleep. Last but not least, it can also lead to health problems such as headache, fatigue, weather sensitivity, dizziness, irritability or circulatory weakness. Although it is not clear which causes are behind the spring fatigue, but the weather change and the longer days play an important role according to experts. According to a news agency dpa, one reason for the spring fatigue is that the melatonin level - the so-called sleep hormone - is particularly high after the winter.
Exercise, fresh air and daylight
People struggling with spring fatigue should do sports every other day. As the specialist journal "Naturarzt" (issue 4/2016) advises, it is best to spend three quarters of an hour in the fresh air or go on a bike ride. Daylight is also important: Ideally, you spend half an hour outdoors each morning, even in bad weather. In addition, it can help to maintain its fixed daily rhythm even on weekends. Changing showers in the morning and rubbing with a brush lead to the circulation activation. Health experts also recommend a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also recommended to drink a lot, preferably water. (Ad)