Heartburn Acid eructation after Christmas dinner

Heartburn Acid eructation after Christmas dinner / Health News

Heartburn is a common problem at Christmas time


At Christmas time, when hearty meals often come on the plate, plus cookies and mulled wine are consumed and the hustle and bustle around the festival causes stress for many people, heartburn is not uncommon. Experts advise then to be careful with the self-medication or better to resort directly to home remedies.

Take care with self-medication
During Advent and Christmas, many people experience luscious food, alcohol and fatigue from the stress of the festival. „If you suffer from heartburn and acid regurgitation during the holidays, that's no wonder“, declared Univ.-Prof. Martin Riegler, head of the center „Reflux Medical“ in Vienna-Alsergrund opposite the Austrian „courier“. „Many resort to self-medication with drugs that neutralize stomach acid or inhibit its production“, so the esophageal specialist. „But this can be dangerous in the long term, because without precaution, cancer precursors and ultimately esophageal cancer can be overlooked. Because pain-free does not mean healthy.“ For example, in 90 percent of reflux esophageal cancers, patients have previously had neither noticeable heartburn nor acid regurgitation.

Heartburn is a message of the body
According to the expert, one should understand "recurrent heartburn as a message of the body". „He wants to tell you that something is wrong - and that you should get to the bottom of it.“ This also applies to persistent stomach pain. „Only in about ten percent of cases is the cause really in the stomach, usually it is an inflammation in the exit of the esophagus.“ For the esophagus, there are essentially four stress factors: „Emotional stress; metabolic stress due to high levels of sugar and fat; physical stress from badly chewed foods and overstretching; as well as inflammations or as a result cancers.“ Riegler continued: „Emotional stress can activate those nerves that are in the esophagus and stomach. This can lead to the release of messenger substances and these - in combination with incorrect nutritional behavior - favor the development of inflammation, pain and heartburn.“

Few patients require surgery
Before a possible therapy the physician should have a detailed conversation. Thereafter, a reflection of the stomach and esophagus provides clues as to whether the anti-reflux valve at the end of the esophagus is already impaired. Subsequently, it is determined with the removal of a tissue sample, whether already pathological changes of the esophageal mucosa are present, which can eventually lead to esophageal cancer. According to Riegler, 95 percent of patients can be helped with a basic lifestyle change and temporary medical support. „Only five percent require surgery to be symptom free“, so the expert.

Home remedies for heartburn
In order to permanently prevent heartburn, various aids are available. So you should avoid obesity and obesity and move a lot. Since stress can be a major trigger, relaxation exercises often offer stress relief to address the problem. These include yoga or autogenic training. Other home remedies for heartburn are methods of digestion or prolonged chewing of food („Fletchern“). The Austrian expert advises to eat six slices of a cucumber every hour for several hours if you suddenly feel heartburn over the holidays. „Cucumbers contain a lot of fiber material, a lot of water and many minerals and trace elements. Everything together helps to neutralize the stomach acid. At the same time, the esophagus gets energy, which calms down the activated nerves. In 95 percent of cases, the pain disappears.“ (Ad)

Image: Beßler / Havlena