Combat heartburn properly

Combat heartburn properly / Health News

Take heartburn medicines at the right time


People who suffer from heartburn have various medications available. As reported by the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists, some of them can be taken on demand, while others can be taken on a regular basis. Many patients also use home remedies for self-care.

Get advice before any self-medication
For heartburn or acid regurgitation, various over-the-counter medicines are available. Some of the remedies can be taken when needed, so in acute complaints. Others, however, are for patients who regularly swallow the drugs. „Patients should be advised before any self-medication in the pharmacy. This is especially true for the time of taking“, said Gabriele Overwiening, Member of the Executive Board of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists (BAK), according to a dpa report. „Without medical advice, over-the-counter medicines for stomach problems should not be taken for more than two weeks.“

Do not use over-the-counter medicines for more than 14 days
Drugs such as omeprazole and pantoprazole, which belong to the group of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), exert their effect by suppressing acid formation in the cells of the stomach wall. Patients usually need to take such medication once a day before breakfast; the effect lasts for a day. H2-receptor blockers, such as ranitidine or famotidine, are taken in the morning and in the evening, independently of the meals. As Overwiening pointed out, all over-the-counter medications for acid regurgitation should not be used for more than 14 days.

Some medications if needed
Antacids are medicines that are used when needed. These drugs do not inhibit acid production in the stomach wall, but bind and neutralize already formed acid in the stomach interior. Its effect starts quickly, but lasts only a few hours. Since the chyme itself also binds acid, intake between meals is recommended. It is advantageous to take an additional dose before going to bed because the stomach forms a lot of acid at night. Care should be taken that other medicines are taken no earlier than two hours after an antacid so as to avoid interactions.

Avoid stress and overweight
In most cases, the heartburn caused by the reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus is not a malignant disease. But especially if the symptoms occur frequently or persist for a long time, a doctor should be consulted, as well as more serious diseases such as gastritis, gastric ulcer or esophagitis could be the cause. Heartburn is favored among other things by factors such as stress, obesity and obesity, but also by unfavorable eating habits.

Of course, against heartburn
For example, voluminous meals, fast food, heavy evening meals, fatty and sugar-rich meals, and spicy food are among the risk factors for heartburn. Even alcohol, smoking, coffee or carbonated and icy drinks can cause the typical symptoms. In addition to the reduction or the absence of such possible triggers are affected not only medicines, but also numerous home remedies for heartburn available. Among other things, a tea blend of calamus root, yarrow and peppermint stimulates the stomach muscles and accelerates gastric emptying. To stimulate digestion also offers to chew the food extensively, one speaks of the so-called „Fletchern“. Last but not least, drinking plenty of water is recommended. (Ad)

Image: Stephanie Hofschlaeger,