Do not treat heartburn in self-medication

Do not treat heartburn in self-medication / Health News

Self-treatment for heartburn carries health risks


Heartburn is a common complaint that many suffer from in self-medication with anti-acid drugs. Although these can alleviate the symptoms in the short term, the President of the Landesapothekerkammer Hessen, Erika Fink, in a recent press release warns urgently against permanent self-medication. „If you create the medication with no symptoms, you may make sure that serious diseases remain undetected for a long time and may no longer be curable“, so finch.

If acidic stomach contents rise up the sensitive esophagus, this leads to a very unpleasant burning, because „The human stomach naturally contains 0.5 percent hydrochloric acid, which is required for digestion as well as for the disinfection of stomach contents“, so the message of the Landesapothekerkammer Hessen. Although the acid does not further attack the healthy gastric mucous membrane, the sensitive esophagus can be damaged by prolonged heartburn. As possible causes of heartburn call the experts above all „so-called acid relaxers such as coffee, alcohol, sweets or spices.“

Gastric Acid and Gastric Acid Inhibitors
If the heartburn is related to the food consumed, the symptoms usually resolve some time after eating or can be corrected immediately with the help of a chewable tablet, reports the State Pharmacist's Chamber. As medicaments against the heartburn, there are basically two different variants available: the gastric acid binders, which are available, for example, as chewable tablets and as a gel, and the gastric acid inhibitors, which are also known as proton pump inhibitors or PPIs. Gastric acid binders neutralize the acid in the stomach and provide virtually immediate symptom relief, according to the announcement of Landesapotheker Hessen. In particular, they are outstandingly suitable for the treatment of occasional heartburn.

Avoid long-term intake of the medicines
The proton pump inhibitors, however, are intended to prevent the formation of gastric acid and do not act instantly, but only after hours. „The effect lasts for at least 24 hours“, reports the Landesapothekerkammer. Although the over-the-counter remedies are very effective and reliably eliminate heartburn, nevertheless „the longer patients take proton pump inhibitors, the harder they are to stop.“ Often, the onset of normal gastric acidity after discontinuation of the drugs is perceived as unpleasant and a „Recourse to the proven drug is then done quickly“, explained Erika Fink and added: „Patients become permanent users.“ Furthermore, both the use of acid-binding agents and gastric acid blockers should be considered to be incompatible with some other medicines, so patients should in any case seek expert advice from the doctor or pharmacist before self-treatment, even if they feel that the complaints are harmless, so the message of the Landesapothekerkammer Hessen.

For regular heartburn urgent to the doctor
As possible causes of de complaints are the Landesapothekerkammer according to the diet in addition to other factors such as „Stress and a malfunction of the sphincter, which separates the stomach from the esophagus as a trigger“ to consider. In addition, the regular intake of painkillers can also cause the acid regurgitation, since some analgesics, the acid-protective mechanism of the stomach is overridden and the gastric mucosa is attacked. According to a report from the Landesapothekerkammer Hessen, patients should urgently consult a physician for persistent heartburn, which occurs more frequently than twice a week. (Fp)