Heartburn usually with pain in the abdomen and chest

Heartburn usually with pain in the abdomen and chest / Health News
Pain in the abdomen and chest: what helps against heartburn
Almost every second German suffers occasionally from heartburn, some very often. Heartburn can be triggered by various factors. Experts point out to observe if heartburn occurs alone or in conjunction with other symptoms. Because that's what the treatment is based on.

Heartburn has different causes
Millions of people in Germany suffer from heartburn, which is often triggered by the so-called reflux disease (also referred to as reflux). Mostly the suffering is accompanied by pain in the stomach or chest. To get rid of the unpleasant burning, it must first be clarified why it even comes to it. Heartburn, for example, can be caused by a stomach dysfunction. Or even if the esophagus is inflamed. According to health experts, overweight or obesity, stress, smoking or even various foods and drinks can cause the burning sensation. And some medicines can cause heartburn.

Breast and abdominal pain can be due to heartburn. (Image: Dan Race / fotolia.com)

Trigger can be a stomach dysfunction
In a statement, the German Senior Citizens League explained that it is important to pay attention to possible concomitant symptoms. For example, if heartburn occurs only occasionally while you have stomach problems, it may be due to a stomach disorder. In such cases, the contents of the stomach are not sufficiently processed and transported. As the experts said, this creates pressure to the top: the result may be stomach ache, feeling of fullness and just heartburn. "In this case, it's important to calm the stomach and regulate the stomach's movement," said Professor Dr. med. Peter Malfertheiner, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology of the University of Magdeburg.

It is important to know what helps with heartburn. Although there are various medications, there are also numerous home remedies for heartburn available. Sensible are methods to stimulate digestion and a generally relaxed lifestyle, best combined with relaxation exercises to reduce stress. And, of course, healthy eating habits that calm the stomach and regulate stomach movement.

Free guide for seniors
If the heartburn occurs frequently, but without any further symptoms, it may be that the esophagus is inflamed. If the sphincter muscle at the bottom of the esophagus is defective or weakened, gastric acid can enter it - and the esophagus will ignite over time. Also for this case there are special medicines. The booklet "Stomach aches in old age" explains why older people often suffer from stomach problems, what a stomach-friendly lifestyle looks like and what helps with heartburn, bloating or nausea. The free guide can be requested from the German Senior League. (Ad)