Heartburn healing water with hydrogen carbonate against sore throat

Heartburn healing water with hydrogen carbonate against sore throat / Health News
Every second German suffers occasionally from heartburn. Acid regurgitation can be triggered by various factors such as high-fat diet or stress. As long as no serious illness is behind the symptoms, simple home remedies can often help. According to a new study here also healing water, which is rich in hydrogen carbonate.
Heartburn is common
Millions of Germans suffer from heartburn, which is often caused by the so-called reflux disease (also known as reflux). The trigger is then too much stomach acid. If the sphincter muscle is relatively weak at the upper gastric entrance, the gastric acid may flow back into the esophagus causing the unpleasant burning sensation. The feeling is felt from the upper abdomen to the neck. It can also cause discomfort when swallowing, burning in the throat, a bad taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting. For example, many people get heartburn after a rich, high-fat meal. The problem can also be caused by a gastric dysfunction or esophagitis.

Healing water for heartburn. Image: Gina Sanders - fotolia

Various ways to relieve the symptoms
If a serious illness can be ruled out, depending on the cause, various options for treatment and home remedies for acid regurgitation are available. Since stress, smoking and obesity or obesity are known to cause the symptoms, you should leave the fingers of cigarettes and take measures to reduce weight. On food shortly before going to bed is better avoided. Relaxation exercises such as yoga or autogenic training are available for stress relief. Other home remedies for heartburn are methods to stimulate digestion, such as with the help of Swedish bitters or the extensive chewing of food ("fletters"). And obviously also bicarbonate-rich healing water helps against heartburn, as a new study now showed.

Hydrogencarbonate-rich water very effective
As the recently published study by the research institute analyze & realize shows, the symptoms can be treated easily and naturally with hydrogen carbonate-rich healing water. According to a press release from the Heilbronn Information Office, the researchers confirmed that older studies have shown that bicarbonate-rich waters are highly effective in treating heartburn and neutralize acids as well as commercial acid-binding drugs (antacids). Thus, healing waters provide a natural, safe alternative for heartburn. In addition, the additional liquid creates a dilution effect that further reduces burning. Last but not least, medicinal waters also supply minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

Every day up to two liters
According to the press release, a healing water from about 1,300 mg hydrogen carbonate / liter can help relieve heartburn. Ideally, daily 1.5 to two liters of this medicinal water should be drunk. It could replace other drinks. It would be best to drink the medicinal water before and during meals or in case of acute acid problems. The label says how much bicarbonate contains a healing water. On the website "www.heilwasser.com" are listed in the Heilwasserverzeichnis all bicarbonate rich medicinal waters. They are available in well-stocked food and beverage markets. (Ad)