Heartburn - Causes and Treatment

Heartburn - Causes and Treatment / symptoms
Heartburn often helps to change your diet
Heartburn is often associated with other digestive complaints such as acid reflux, nausea and bloating, and may be indicative of various diseases in the stomach and esophagus. Usually there is no malignant disease behind it, so that the complaints can be successfully treated naturopathic.


  • Heartburn is caused by reflux of stomach acid
  • Chronic heartburn as a symptom of various diseases
  • Heartburn and constant burping in pregnancy
  • Treatment for heartburn
  • Home remedies and natural remedies for heartburn
  • New study: Healing by bicarbonate-rich water

Heartburn is caused by reflux of stomach acid

A "heartburn" is a burning and possibly scratching sensation in the esophagus, which is caused by high-rising gastric acid or chyme from the stomach. Burning often occurs after a luscious meal, especially if insufficient gastric ingestion (gastric insufficiency) causes gastric acid and contents to flow back into the esophagus (reflux), causing them to become macerated. The symptoms can also occur in overweight or hasty slings and temporarily in pregnancy, because the pressure in the upper abdominal area is then greatly increased. This is called heartburn as an uncomplicated reflux symptom.

Through a flaccid sphincter stomach acid can rise and cause heartburn. (Image: Henrie / fotolia.com)

Chronic heartburn as a symptom of various diseases

If the heartburn is accompanied by gastric pressure, stomach pain and bloating and may be associated with other indigestion such as constant belching, nausea and vomiting, it may involve: a stomach irritation (functional dyspepsia), gastritis, gastric ulcer (ulcer disease) or to treat a gastric carcinoma.

If swallowing, feeling of fullness and pressure in the chest add to this, diaphragmatic hernia, oesophagitis and, in rare cases, oesophageal carcinoma may be considered. Also, coronary heart disease should be excluded.

Heartburn and constant burping in pregnancy

In pregnancy, many women suffer from heartburn. The reason for this is the increasingly formed hormone progesterone, which ensures that the inner sphincter (esophageal sphincter) no longer seals properly. As a result, gastric acid can enter the esophagus and cause burning behind the breastbone, neck and stomach, as well as acid regurgitation. The complaints occur mainly when lying down and often become even stronger in the last third of the pregnancy, as the steadily growing uterus pushes the stomach further upwards and the pressure load increases. This often causes other symptoms, such as Stomach cramps after eating or pressure in the stomach area, as well as it often comes in pregnancy to flatulence, abdominal distension, bloating and a so-called "lump in the throat".

In order to make the pregnancy a bit "easier", it often helps to eat several small portions throughout the day instead of less lavish meal times. Oily and spicy dishes should be better avoided to protect the stomach. Even with coffee, it is advisable to drink this only in moderation due to its stimulating effect on gastric juice production - experts advise pregnant women anyway anyway. Ideal are drinks with little or no carbon dioxide, as have tea blends with peppermint and chamomile proven. Another helpful home remedy for heartburn in pregnancy is oatmeal. Acid-inhibiting or binding drugs such as e.g. Pantoprazole, on the other hand, should - like all other medicines - not be taken during pregnancy without consultation with the attending physician.

Treatment for heartburn

In the case of chronic reflux, a medical or specialist examination should be carried out to rule out a malignant disease. The professional naturopathic (possibly accompanying) treatment depends on the underlying disease. With heartburn by uncomplicated reflux, naturopathic "home remedies" and a change in diet can help.

Chronic heartburn can e.g. also indicate a gastritis. Therefore, ongoing complaints should necessarily be clarified by a doctor. (Image: Syda Productions / fotolia.com)

Home remedies and natural remedies for heartburn

If a serious illness has been ruled out, different treatment options and home remedies for acid regurgitation may be considered, depending on the cause. It often helps to adapt certain lifestyle and dietary habits. These include, above all, quit smoking and the significant reduction of alcohol, carbonated drinks, sweets, greasy, fried and spicy meals. To prevent the symptoms in the long term, it is important to avoid obesity or obesity. Eating just before bedtime can also quickly lead to discomfort, so dinner should always be taken in good time and no late snacks are needed.

Since stress is a key trigger, relaxation exercises are a great way to increase your inner balance and better meet the demands of everyday life. Best practices for stress relief are e.g. Yoga or autogenic training, as well as meditation, breathing exercises, tai chi or progressive muscle relaxation can lead to more inner peace.

Another popular home remedy for heartburn is chamomile, which, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, can relieve symptoms. In the acute case, even a cup of tea (ten chamomile flowers per liter of boiling water) have a positive effect, with prolonged or constantly recurring burning a so-called "roll cure" is particularly good. In this case, you first drink a large cup of chamomile tea and then lie down on your back for about five minutes. Then they "roll" one after another for about five minutes on the right side, the belly, the left side and at the end back on the back.

Through the movement, the valuable ingredients reach all areas of the gastric mucosa and can therefore be even more intense. However, the treatment should be carried out for at least a week daily and ideally in the morning on an empty stomach - for severe complaints up to free times a day. After a round of "rolling" it is advisable to keep at least 30 minutes rest.

Homeopathy offers a variety of remedies that can help against heartburn. Robinia D6 may be the drug of choice, especially if the symptoms are accompanied by headaches in the forehead and temples, especially if the burning of the stomach, stomach pressure and acid regurgitation occur at night. If it is primarily due to stress and hectic burning and there is an aversion to cold drinks and coffee smell, may be indicated in Acidum sulfuricum D6. With acid regurgitation, nausea and much viscous mucus, Iris versicolor D6 may be the right remedy.

Healing earth is considered one of the best natural home remedies for heartburn. (Image: PhotoSG / fotolia.com)

Other well-established means of self-treatment for refluxing heartburn are regular drunken cabbage juice and healing clay (e.g., Luvos or Bullrich's) which is stirred in water or in capsule form. Often also in the naturopathic practice Schüssler salts are recommended. For acid regurgitation, especially the salt No. 9 (sodium phos.), Is already a burning pain felt in the esophagus, this should be taken in alternation with calcium phosphoricum (# 2).

New study: Healing by bicarbonate-rich water

Hydrogen carbonate healing water can help against sore throats. This is shown in a recent study by the research institute analyze & realize published in the "World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology". For the investigation of researchers André-Michael Beer, Ralf Uebelhack and Ute Pohl a total of 50 subjects (18 to 64 years) with at least twice weekly weekly heartburn had drunk 1.5 liters of a healing water with 1.775 mg of bicarbonate daily for six weeks. The result: in 90 percent of those affected both the frequency and the duration of the complaints decreased.

In order to alleviate the burning naturally, a healing water could help from about 1,300 mg bicarbonate per liter. Of these, ideally 1.5 to two liters should be drunk a day, according to the information of the German Heilbrunnen in the Association of German Mineral Fountain e. V., which was involved in the study. According to the healing water can replace quite other drinks and should be drunk best before and at meals or in case of acute complaints. Consumers could learn about the amount of bicarbonate contained in a product from the label. (updated on 12.7.2016; jvs, nr)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)