Heartburn causes, treatment and home remedies for acid regurgitation

Heartburn causes, treatment and home remedies for acid regurgitation / Health News
Millions of Germans now and then suffer from heartburn. The sour eructation and the burning pains are truly unpleasant. Some people have such complaints so often that their quality of life is severely curtailed. Patients should contact a doctor.
Millions of people suffer from heartburn
Millions of people in Germany suffer from heartburn, which is usually accompanied by pain in the stomach and chest. Affected feel a burning sensation from the upper abdomen to the neck. For example, many people are familiar with these symptoms after a sumptuous meal. However, in some cases the pain is so common that it affects the quality of life or causes inflammation of the esophagus. Then it is spoken of the reflux disease. This is indicated by the patient information portal of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IGWiG).

Causes and Symptoms of Heartburn. Image: Henrie - fotolia

In addition to the described pain, it can also cause discomfort when swallowing, burning in the throat, a bad taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting. Since the reflux disease is diagnosed on the basis of their symptoms, sufferers should accurately describe the symptoms to the doctor, recommends the portal. If suspected, patients are often prescribed a drug for two weeks that inhibits stomach acid - if that helps, the diagnosis is virtually certain.

What helps with heartburn
Many sufferers can help to adjust their habits. For example, smokers should abstain from using cigarettes as much as possible. Since alcohol consumption and various foods such as chocolate, fatty or spicy meals or carbonated drinks can also cause discomfort, they should be reduced. To permanently prevent heartburn, obesity and obesity should be avoided.

On food shortly before going to bed is better avoided. Since stress is a major trigger for heartburn, relaxation exercises are a great way to reduce stress in order to face the problem. Suitable here, for example, yoga or autogenic training. Other home remedies for heartburn are methods of digestion, such as using Swedish bitters or by extensive chewing of the food. If all else fails, medication or, in the worst case, surgery can help.

Stomach entrance does not close properly
As explained on the portal, gastric contents return to the esophagus during reflux because the gastric inlet does not close properly. Normally, the transition between the esophagus and stomach is closed and only opens when there is food mixed with saliva. The reflux of gastric juice irritates the mucous membrane of the esophagus. When gastric juice enters the trachea, it causes a cough. According to the experts, after a big meal, the stomach may be stretched and the entrance can not be closed properly for a while.