Sex education is not taboo in elementary school

Sex education is not taboo in elementary school / Health News
ECHR: Teachers are allowed to answer questions from children
Parents can not demand that any kind of sex education be omitted in elementary school. Teachers do not overstep their scope for action and education when answering primary school students' questions on sexuality, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg ruled on Thursday, 18 January 2018 (Ref .: 22338/15). The ECtHR thus dismissed the appeal of a mother from Basel as inadmissible.

Image: Robert Kneschke - fotolia

The woman had applied in 2011 that her then seven-year-old daughter in elementary school from sex education lessons is excluded. She is not generally against sex education. But in kindergarten or elementary school this is too early, she said.

The school administration rejected her application as well as later the Swiss courts.

In particular, the mother saw her right to respect for private and family life violated and lodged a complaint with the ECtHR.

The Strasbourg judges declared the complaint inadmissible. The now ten-year-old daughter had never participated in a systematic sex education in elementary school. In the classroom, teachers only responded to questions from primary school pupils about sexuality.

Sexual education in Swiss schools also has the legitimate aim of protecting students of all ages against sexual violence and sexual exploitation. State education also has an obligation to prepare students for social realities. This could justify the sex education of children in elementary and kindergarten, the ECtHR. The parenting rights of the parents will not be violated inadmissible. fle / mwo