Sex on schedule at unfulfilled desire for children

Sex on schedule at unfulfilled desire for children / Health News

Couples who want to have children should have sex every three days


Many couples want children, but have difficulty in procreation. Before further measures, such as artificial insemination, are initiated, those affected should try their luck with a few simple rules. „Sex on schedule“ Although sounds funny, but by determining the best time of fertilization the probability of pregnancy can be significantly increased.

The President of the Professional Association of Gynecologists (BVF), Dr. med. Christian Albring, told the news agency „dpa“, statistically, couples with a desire to have children should have sex every three days to achieve natural fertilization. If this rule of thumb does not help, the timing of ovulation can also be determined to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. If in doubt, gynecologists will help women.

Statistically, the three-day rule promises to be done when having children
If couples with a desire to have children have sex at least every three days, according to the expert, there is a high probability of catching a fruitful woman's day. Like Dr. Christian Albring explained that the ovum can be fertilized for about 24 hours after ovulation; the male sperm survives at least 48 hours in the woman's body. Purely statistically, the three-day rule should therefore be sufficient to achieve a natural fertilization, that is, a meeting of the egg and semen, said the president of the professional association of gynecologists in Munich. However, the three-day rule can not be adhered to by all couples, and it is too imprecise and too exhausting for many. Here can help a more precise timing of ovulation.

Determine the time of ovulation
According to the expert, it is possible to determine the time of ovulation of a woman by regularly measuring her body temperature, as during ovulation the temperature increases by about half a degree. However, the increase in temperature alone is not a reliable signal, as influential factors such as fever in the course of infections or other illnesses, physical exertion, lack of sleep and excessive alcohol consumption can cause a slightly elevated body temperature. However, by continually monitoring their own cycle, women develop a better sense of when ovulation is actually occurring. A specialist or gynecologist can provide further support. Based on an ultrasound examination, he determines how far the egg has ripened in the first half of the cycle. Albring. The subsequent observation allows a relatively exact determination of the ovulation time. This usually takes place approximately in the middle of the female cycle and is a prerequisite for successful fertilization. However, if the ovulation is already a few days back, the woman is just before her next period and pregnancy is almost impossible.

Healthy lifestyle increases the likelihood of successful fertilization
In addition to the time frame, according to the professional association of gynecologists play other factors in a successful fertilization also an essential role. For example, numerous studies have proven this, „that the onset of a desired pregnancy depends on the state of health and eating habits and is positively influenced by some changes in the habits of both partners already before the beginning of the pregnancy“, reports the BVF on its website. In other words, couples with an unfulfilled desire to have a child should first make their own lifestyle healthier. Decisive here according to the experts, the diet. In addition to refraining from eating unhealthy foods or switching to healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products, those affected should also take care to absorb enough micronutrients such as folic acid, iodine and iron. Existing overweight should be reduced as much as possible. Smokers should stop smoking because nicotine can damage the fertile egg and make it difficult to implant the fertilized ice in the lining of the womb. If there is a need for further advice, couples with an unfulfilled desire to have children can turn to the doctors in the professional association of gynecologists. (Fp)

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