Sex with many women lowers prostate cancer risk

Sex with many women lowers prostate cancer risk / Health News

Sexual intercourse with more than 20 women can protect the prostate


Many sexual partners as a precaution against prostate cancer? What sounds strange seems to be possible, according to a study by the Université du Québec and the University of Montreal. Thus, men who have had intercourse with many women, significantly less likely to contract prostate cancer than those who only have sex with a partner.

Researchers examine the influence of socio-demographic factors on cancer
Those who have had intercourse with many women may be able to significantly reduce their prostate cancer compared to monogamous men. This is at least the conclusion of a recent study by the Université du Québec and the University of Montreal. As reported in a recent press release, Marie-Elise Parent's researchers surveyed a total of 3,208 men, of whom 1,590 had been diagnosed with prostate cancer between 2005 and 2009. The remaining 1,618 men constituted the control group, which was used to find out what factors favor the development of the carcinoma. The scientists had focused mainly on socio-demographic factors, which is why the participants were inter alia also questioned about their sexual orientation and habits.

The more women, the lower the risk of prostate cancer
Researchers came to an interesting conclusion on the basis of the data: The men who had slept with more than 20 women during their lifetime had a 28% lower risk for prostate cancer of all kinds and a 19% reduced risk of aggressive cancers the University of Montreal announcement continues. It had apparently shown no limit to the top, instead could be simplified assume that the risk of cancer is the lower, the more women have a man. „It is possible that many female sexual partners lead to a higher frequency of ejaculations, whose protective effect against prostate cancer has been previously observed in cohort studies, "Parent said.

In homosexuals, however, the reverse effect
According to the researchers, however, this correlation could only be proven for heterosexuals, whereas for homosexuals the situation is exactly the opposite. According to this, the danger increases with each additional sexual partner, although the causes of this effect have not yet been clarified. Therefore, Parent and her team could only formulate "highly speculative" hypotheses to explain this relationship: „It could be due to increased exposure to sexually transmitted infections, or it could be that anal intercourse leads to physical trauma to the prostate, "says Parent. (Nr)

Picture: Georg Sander