Sexual researchers A lot of sex does not make most couples happier

Sexual researchers A lot of sex does not make most couples happier / Health News

Study: Much sex does not make couples happier
For many people sex plays a very important role in life. In couples, regular sexual intercourse is often considered a measure of the integrity of the relationship. But even if they often have sex with each other, they are not fundamentally happier, as researchers found in a study.

Couples were asked to have frequent sex
It is often said that sex makes you happy. Is the conclusion, then, that couples who have more sexual intercourse are happier? This question was pursued by researchers in the USA. "With married couples, they carried out a trial in which some were asked to have twice as much sex as usual." Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh came to the conclusion that more sex couples do not make them happier. "Many couple counselors thus the basis is withdrawn," the researchers said.

Loving play was not started on its own initiative
The researchers, who published the study in the journal "Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization", report that the happiness even went back a little bit more. According to the authors, this was partly due to the fact that the couples who slept with each other more often lost sexual desire. The same was true of the fun of sex. Presumably, this was "due to the fact that the couples were asked to have more sex in the scientific experiment and did not start lovemaking on their own initiative."

Most couples have too little sex
Director of Studies George Loewenstein said: "If we did the study again and could afford it financially, we would encourage participants to have more sex, but in a way that empowers them." For example, a babysitter could do that help. Or the couple could go to a hotel room or use luxury linens to increase the seduction. Despite the study results, Loewenstein assumes that most couples have too little sex and that it would be good for them to sleep with each other more often. This could cause a lot of romantic and pleasurable mood.

Healthy intercourse
There are good reasons for sex anyway, also for health reasons. So the body is well supplied with blood during intercourse and hormones are released, which get the psyche well. In addition, scientists from the US have only recently established a connection between sleep and good sex. Accordingly, good sleep - at least in women - leads to good sex and conversely, sex can help to sleep better. This is especially interesting for the many people who suffer from sleep problems. Although sleep disorders do not cause any damage at short notice, they can have serious health consequences in the long term, for example increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. (Ad)

Picture: Andreas Helminger