Heavy farewell for seniors

Heavy farewell for seniors / Health News
An appointment for the next reunion makes it easier for seniors to say goodbye
Say goodbye to many seniors and especially difficult. After a family visit, the farewell is often accompanied by sad thoughts and tears. When and how often will we meet again? Such questions are increasingly affecting the elderly when they say goodbye. To make an appointment for the next meeting can help here.

Many grandparents enjoy the visit of their grandchildren and as soon as the farewell is due, grief and sometimes tears show up. "Behind the tears is often the thought: How long can one see someone again?", Professor Meinolf Peters, managing director of the Institute for geriatric therapy and Applied Gerontology, cited by the news agency "dpa". According to the expert, sufferers should consciously take the time to classify the situation and the farewell pain. It was also helpful to agree on an appointment for the next meeting or at least the appointment for the telephone conversation. Not least, a picture of the children or grandchildren can help.

Help seniors to say goodbye
Time is generally more important to senior citizens than it is to younger family members, which makes meetings especially valuable for them and can lead to increased grief when they leave. If it is particularly difficult to say goodbye, you should make an appointment for a reunion, explains Prof. Peters. If this is not possible, the appointment can also help to make phone calls. So the farewell might fall a little easier. In addition, according to the expert, the persons affected should talk to the others about their health. "The verbalization of feelings contributes immensely to the processing," Peters is quoted by the "dpa". In this way, grandchildren and children would also have a chance to respond. (Fp)

Picture credits: angieconscious