Serious allegations federal government jeopardizes medical care

Serious allegations federal government jeopardizes medical care / Health News
Federal government endangers medical care in the country
The need for medical treatment will continue to increase in the coming years. This has to do with the demographic development in particular: The people in this country are getting older. The free medical profession now raises allegations against the federal government. This would endanger medical care in Germany.
Suspend law and stop reform
The Freie Ärzteschaft (FÄ) is convinced that the need for medical treatment will increase sharply in the next few years. The reasons for this are above all the demographic development and the continuing influx of refugees. "The more absurd the current health policy, which sets with the recently introduced" Versorgungsstärkungsgesetz "on practice reduction and appointment service points as well as close by hospital reform hospitals," said FÄ chairman Wieland Dietrich, according to a press release. The doctors called on the black and red federal government to suspend the law and stop the reform. "Otherwise, a massive further deterioration of the medical treatment of the population is expected. This already exists in rural areas today - but will also affect the metropolitan areas in the future. "

Bad medical care? Image: - fotolia

Free doctors criticize government
The FÄ criticizes the Praxisaufkaufregelung, the current requirement planning and the budgeting, "which in any case for years the supply worsened". The appointment service points - "or better waiting time administration points" - are an imposition. "They deprive the practice doctors funds for patient treatment, if the unrealistic and bureaucracy-related expensive schedules fail because too few doctors are there," said Dietrich. Although waiting times according to an insured survey of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) are rarely a problem, but according to other experts, the average waiting time for an appointment with the doctor for health insurance patients is much longer than for private patients.

More people are treated by fewer doctors
According to FÄ, many patients would not understand either, if on the one hand there are too few appointments in many doctor groups, on the other hand more and more people would be treated by less doctors. Dietrich warned: "It is important to watch out for the resentment of the population due to diminishing resources in health care. In addition, physicians are now involved in the initial care of refugees. That they are punished when they do not offer enough time for other patients is political cynicism. "Refugees are already second-class patients who are only entitled to minimal health care. But they, of all people, usually need more help, because more than half of them reach Germany traumatized, especially those from Syria who have fled hunger, war and violence.

Ensure medical care
FÄ-Vice Dr. med. Silke Lüder emphasized that the integration of asylum seekers could only succeed if the reduction of medical care was also stopped. "Instead, however," says the doctor, "the Federal Government wants to lower the quality standards in medicine by granting asylum seekers the right to" exercise medical medicine "in the refugee camps only by affidavit and without the teaching of any evidence." With a stroke of the pen, elementary requirements for the approval of doctors in Germany would be changed here. Doing away with practice and hospitals coupled with quality reduction could not be the right way to ensure medical care in Germany. (Ad)