Severe attack on Charité gynecologists

Severe attack on Charité gynecologists / Health News

Two men beat a renowned Charité gynecologist in his office and then escaped unrecognized. The police suspect the perpetrators in the environment of a previously treated woman.


Two strangers attacked and beat a senior gynecologist at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin. The 44-year-old doctor was seriously injured in this violence. Initial reports of possible association with infant death have already been rejected by the investigating authorities.

On Tuesday afternoon, senior gynecologist dr. Jalid Sehouli was seriously injured at the Campus Virchow-Klinikum of the Charité in Berlin's Wedding district. Two hitherto unknown perpetrators penetrated into the office of the doctor and immediately began to physically attack the doctor. The perpetrators use horses brought with them and also step on the gynecologist with their feet. The victim was seriously injured.

No connection with the death of a preemie
The police have meanwhile denied reports of a possible connection between the death of a preemie in the Charité. A police spokesman said, „the victim suffered as a result of a broken rib, some bruises and abrasions“. When another physician noticed the attack at 15:45 and wanted to intervene to help, „this was also attacked by the men and thus easily injured“. After the crime, the perpetrators were able to flee unrecognized. For further treatment, the doctor was admitted to a hospital.

The police are investigating the dangerous bodily injury already at full speed and there are already „some hints that will be followed“. The perpetrators could be friends or relatives of a patient who has been examined and treated in advance by the doctor. Sehouli is the director of the European Center of Excellence for Ovarian Cancer, which is based at the Virchow-Klinikum, and is considered by experts to be an expert in his field.

Consternation and consternation
Berlin health senator Mario Czaja (CDU) was shocked by the fact. He was „deeply shocked by the act.“ The attack „makes me speechless, and I condemn him in the strongest terms“. On the part of the Charité, the total staff council chairman Carsten Becker said it was frightening that the robbery took place in the clinic and not outside the hospital premises“.

Attacks on salaried employees occur more often
According to internal reports, abuses in the district of Wedding are almost commonplace. Paramedics would search for information of the „FAZ“ refuse to present with photo and full name. They would have loud newspaper reports „always bad experiences with aggressive patients and their family members made“, so they would prefer not to be named by name. An arrest of the perpetrators did not exist at the moment. (Sb)

Picture: Gerd Altmann