Swine flu mutations
swine flu
Surprising new findings on swine flu virus in ARD magazine "Monitor"
In yesterday's broadcast of November 19, 2009 the ARD magazine Monitor ran a post with the name: "horror scenarios - the swine flu and the media". It has been reported that the seasonal flu is increasingly displaced by the swine flu and the experts are not even unhappy about it, because the course of the swine flu is a lot more harmless than the normal flu. Furthermore, Prof. Peter Collignon, from the University of Canberra, Australia has its say. He explains that Australia has significantly fewer flu deaths this year than usual. Normally, there would be approximately 2,000-3,000 deaths associated with influenza. In 2009 there were only 190.
The President of the German Society for General Medicine, the Göttingen professor dr. med. Michael M. Koch even thinks that this new virus will replace our flu and we will have to expect fewer deaths than in the last two decades.
In the same article, Monitor reports spicy circumstances when dealing with the death of a 15-year-old girl from Kassel, who was rapturously presented in the media and included in the official statistics of swine flu deaths by the Robert Koch Institute.
In front of the camera, the head of the health department of the Kassel region, Dr. Ing. Karin Müller, that the girl died as a result of myocarditis and not provable to A / H1N1. Even the states of Ukraine and Mexico, which were first painted as horror scenarios, are dealt with in the report. In Mexico, for a total population of 109 million, 63 have died. Where the numbers come from, is unfortunately not to be taken from the report, because on the side of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, 520 deaths are reported for Mexico.
In the Ukraine, where in the meantime 250,000 illnesses and up to 90 deaths were stated, the situation seems difficult to assess. Monitor reports that the vast majority of deaths are not clear at all and only 29 have been investigated, including 17 definitive deaths related to A / H1N1. Professionals such as Gerd Antes of the Standing Vaccination Committee, who speak on the show, say that if looked closely, the situation is not as dramatic as it would be in the media.
Contrary to the massive attention in the media, on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health only at the bottom of the picture, quite hidden, referenced on the special page on the new flu. Otherwise, the topic is no longer directly present on the start page, except for the outdated information on the so-called "Impfgipfel".
Spiegel Online also reports that the state "Norwegian Institute of Public Health" has stated that there is a spontaneous mutation of the swine flu virus in 3 people, of whom 2 have already died. So far, however, this mutation was found no further investigator and thus seems to be no cause for concern. So here is no more risk for large groups of people to recognize a closer search.
All in all, reporting on the New Influenza seems to be abating, and all the cases, facts and figures that have been described as dramatic have subsequently become invalidated and relativized. One can only hope, should this situation continue to stabilize, that a processing of the many false and misinformation takes place. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath, 21.11.2009)