Swine flu vaccines end up in the trash

Swine flu vaccines end up in the trash / Health News

Swine flu vaccines ends up in garbage

Hardly anyone seems to want to be vaccinated against the pathogen H1N1 of the so-called swine flu. As the Berlin health administration told the Senate CDU deputy Mario Czaja confirmed, the first vaccine doses of the vaccine Pandemrix are already disposed of. Overall, vaccine doses worth around 90,000 euros have literally expired in Berlin alone. Over 10,000 vaccines have already been disposed of, as the shelf life of "Pandemrix" has already expired.

Background is, after opening a pack of tens Pandemrix, the drug must be vaccinated within 24 hours. Thereafter, the Pandemrix is ​​ineffective. However, if the ten-pack is not opened, the vaccine is still stable for two years. For the discarded vaccine doses, the taxpayer comes on, since the state of Berlin has to pay the costs.

Just 128,000 Berliners had been vaccinated against the swine flu since November. In Berlin live well over 3.40.000 people. From a "mass vaccination" can not be spoken here. According to the latest findings, the course of the swine flu is rather mild compared to conventional flu. Since the outbreak of swine flu fell according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) about 220 000 people. 216 people died as a result of the swine flu. (sb, 06.02.2010)

To read more:
Facts about the swine flu
WHO: Have fears of swine flu been fueled??
Avoid physical attack in case of infections